Day 23: dreamy | as suggested by @maique


dreamy heart of a peachy rose

Day 22: Blue | as suggested by @lzbth


monuments against a backdrop of blue sky, Quebec City

”Footsteps in the sands of time are not made by standing still.”

Day 21: mountain | as suggested by @dejus


mini mount, Quebec City

Day 19: birthday | prompt submitted by @crossingthethreshold


birthday afternoon tea at the Chateau Frintenac, Quebec City

I guess I should have realised last night that this morning was going to be difficult in that, after doing an hour at physio and then, coming home and cramming in several sets of exercises, that I was going to wake this morning like a stiff on the proverbial mortuary table.

It was like raising the dead … well, okay, maybe not that bad, but close enough.

Today, I’m going to be a lot more gentle on myself, and try not to cram in so many sets as if that will ‘cure’ me in an afternoon. I need to pace myself between now and next Tuesday. I don’t want to turn up for my next physio appt. worse off than where I started.

After all, I’m no spring chicken anymore but rather a spent hen past her egg laying days.

So for those of you following along, the first physio appointment went well. I was pulled, poked, prodded, measured and manipulated to the point my shoulder now actually moved and yes, while the muscles are complaining, it’s a good pain.

I now have a sheet listing a series of exercises I’m to complete through out the day, doing so many sets at each session. And have my next appointment on Tuesday to see how everything’s going. Plus I’m booked in for a massage session. Now I’m really looking forward to that, let me tell you.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go do my first posture and stretching exercises.

For those of you who have been wondering where I’ve been these last few days, I had another unscheduled ER visit on Thursday. And, not only have I been recovering from that, but I’ve also got a locked shoulder. I get to see the physio tomorrow for a consult about the locked shoulder. However, getting to see my family doctor about the unplanned for visit to the ER will have to wait till the middle of May, as he’s currently on holiday. Of course he is.

So here I am, typing this out one handed, wondering if the Guinness Book of Records has category for Medical Mysteries. No one seems to know what’s wrong with me, least of all me.

Where’s Dr. House when you need him?

FYI: For those of you who are following along. The I created for my fiction called, The Story Hub, is now flying under a new banner, namely my own name. Check it out here: Alexandra Wolfe.

I’ll be posting more short stories now I’ve finally updated the url.

Day 10: train | prompt submitted by @starrwulfe
(no train … but a train station?)


eurostar terminal, London

Day 9: crispy | prompt submitted by @rom


large platters piled high with honey soaked baklava

Awww … all over. It went darkish, but not completely dark. Then, that was it.

It came. We saw (sort of). It went.

That’s it here till 2044 when I will either be dead, or a living fossil.

And so … it has begun. The moon has moved into position and has begun it’s transit. An hour to go before full totality.

Just over an hour and a half to go till the eclipse starts it’s cycle here, in Quebec.

Day 8: prevention | prompt submitted by @anniegreens


3 quebec city motorcycle cops having a break

Day 7: well-being | prompt submitted by @ridwan


McKenzie bear taking it easy on a sunny sunday

Help! Anyone …

I need someone to explain, step by step preferably, how to add a domain name to my next and final blog. Do I create the first, using whatever name, and then, add the domain name after? And how exactly do I add the name, since I cannot find anything about nameservers for so that the domain name will point to MB.

What am I missing? Knowing I’m probably misreading the instructions … again!


Day 6: windy | prompt submitted by @Miraz


A windy day up on the mount at the Govenor General of Canada's residence, in Quebec City

Does any one have an opinion or suggestion as to which theme handles photos the best (in large format), as I’m thinking a photo blog for my next project.


Day 5: serene | prompt submitted by @chiawase


a view of the st Lawrance river at Cap Rouge on a hot summer's day