Day Four (4)

Can someone please stop the rain … I think I saw Noah’s Ark float passed my window just now.

It’s raining.

It’s been raining since about 10 pm last night. And, we’re reliably informed on the weather report this morning, that it’s going to rain all day Saturday, all day Sunday, all day Monday and maybe, just maybe Tuesday afternoon, we might see the sun and blue skies for an hour or three … maybe.

A damn low has stalled over our fair city and looks set to swirl above us for the rest of eternity … what, okay, maybe not that long, but damn, four consecutive days is three days too many. Especially as we were supposed to meet up with my SiL this weekend for the annual flea market on rue Cartier, which is always a fun event. That looks like it’s cancelled till the following weekend.

I’m not sure I can cope with being stuck inside for 4 days … send help, send a boat … send chocolate will you?

Bah humbug!

I was on a mission this morning, tasked with finding and buying a soft plush on behalf of my sister in law. She’s about to be a grandmother, again, and besides lamenting she isn’t old enough (which she isn’t) she needs something for this weekend. So, like the good sister in law I am, I volunteered. Any legitimate excuse to go play with plushies at one of my favourite toy stores, and you know I’m there.

I managed to find a soft blush pink Jelly Cat bunny of the right size, and purchased it, while trying hard not to complain out loud at the price. But felt better about the purchase as I also found something for myself. And this one made me think of you, when I saw it.

An avocado keyring that is, as of writing this, adorning my shoulder bag! Why yes, yes I am a big kid.

jellycat avocado plush keyring

Was Disney’s The Acolyte that bad last night that no one’s talking aboutg about it today? Do I watch it,or skip it?

I should have been having an ultra sound just about now, at a clinic just across the road from where I live. But, yesterday afternoon, I cancelled it. There were a couple of reasons, not least the fact I would not have been able to eat breakfast this morning (because of 12 hour fasting) which would have meant delaying taking my morning pills (which are taken with food).

And, as I had already gone through this silly scenario yesterday (though at a much earlier time) my whole day would have been out of whack. And, at my age, I wasn’t in the mood to be pissing about. I really should have schedule both these medical appointments better with at least a week apart, and done both very early in the morning.

Anyway, I had no desire to get up, shower, drink over 1.5 litres of water before my appointment, and skip not only breakfast, but my pills till later. Although I may yet reschedule the ultra sound after a chat with my doctor (yes, I still have one till the end of June).

Meanwhile, how’s your day going?

So I’m about to have a carb-crash as I just finished eating a very late lunch. Why am I eating lunch late? I’m so glad you asked. Because I had a late breakfast. But, I hear you ask, why did you have a late breakfast? I’m so glad you asked. Because I couldn’t eat first thing this morning as I had to see the nurse to do blood tests at 09:30 am. (I’m glad it wasn’t any later…)

Which meant that I didn’t eat my English muffin and marmalade till 09:45 this morning. Which also meant no eating lunch at noon or just after. Which meant … what?

Oh, okay, you get the picture. I’m already planning a late dinner which just might become supper at this rate … maybe I should follow that by a midnight snack, what do you think? Too much?

Is it tomorrow yet?

Gorgeous blue skies out there today …

deep blue skies fronted by the green foliage of a tree

Well, that 25 of this morning is now 32 and, with no breeze, hotter than hell out there.

It’s not even 9:30 and it’s already 25 degrees and climbing. It’s going to be another hot one this afternoon.


I don’t know how I managed to do it, but I missed putting spf 60 on the back of my neck yesterday. As a consequence, I have a small sore red area hot to the touch, which the OH kindly lathered in aloe cream this morning. How did I know it was there? It hurt like hell when I took my shower this morning.

Dopey girl. I won’t forget to do my neck the next time I go walkabout.

I’ve just got back home from a walkabout and other than feeling a little dehydrated—it’s 25 and gloriously sunny out side—I’m excited to share all the photos I took, which might take me a few days as I have a habit of taking a lot. And I mean, a lot!

I’ll post some here, but the majority will go on my Snap Happy So don’t forget to check there as well if you want to see Quebec City bathing in sunshine.

Meanwhile, to tide you over, here’s one of our last 3 remaining Martello Towers.

Martello tower, plains of Abraham, Quebec City

Well, colour me tickled pink … listening to Beyonce’s Cowboy Carter album and, you know what, I love it!

Who woulda thunk it!

Had a wonderfully busy and fun day out today. The OH decided last night to take a couple of days off, as they’re feeling burnt out at work. So we thought to go to the mall and do what every good North American does, indulge in some retail therapy.

I came away with some music. Beyonce & Taylor Swift’s new albums.


I also got a belated birthday present off the OH, something I’ve been after for ages … a Traveller’s Notebook (cover and inserts).

travellers -notebook

We also indulged our inner child and bought Kung Fu Panda 4 to watch tonight (thanks @andycarolan)!

Then, to top that, I scored a free book at my fav store as I had accrued $25 in credit. I now have Steve Berry’s The Atlas Manoeuvre. Ain’t I the lucky one?

But we didn’t stop there … we went for a late lunch at the new Japanese sushi place and stuffed ourselves … no, sorry, I was too busy eating to take photos. You’ll just have to imagine how delicious the food was and leave it at that.


All in all, a fantastic day out.

When you drop a glass on the floor of the bathroom where you’ve stopped to pee on route to the kitchen …

And it shatters!

Please, someone, anyone, send help, I’m trapped …


With Annie’s #weblogpomo2024 challenge nearing it’s end Robert Birming has come up with a fun thing for us all to participate in during June, #Junited2024 a Blog Love letter. The whole point being we share posts, pages, and links to things we come across on the internet. This can be new finds or old posts, as Robert explains. It all sounds like a fun so I’ve signed up to take part.

Oh, and for more information, if you are interested in joining in, check out Junited: How & Who.

Come on, you know you want to.

My partner and I have been trying for over a month now (nearly 6 weeks in fact) to try and get an appointment with my family doctor. It’s been near on impossible. First we were told he was on holiday (for 3 weeks) and had to try again after the 6th of May. So we waited and started the whole process again, and have been trying every morning, taking turns to get up at 5:30 am in order to call the automated service that schedules not only the doctor’s appointments, but the walk in clinic.

And nothing. By the time either one of us gets through the slots are filled.

So this morning, keeping their phone ringing the clinic to get an answer, my OH patiently waited (while working from home today) to speak to one of the receptionist. Finally, as I was making lunch, the OH got through.

After being rudely brushed off and admonished by said recptionist for calling them (even if it took 4 hours), the OH was told in no uncertain terms that I couldn’t have an appointment with my family doctor in July, as I no longer have a family doctor. And when my partner asked why, obviously confused. Were told, my doctor is retiring at the end of June. That’s it … he’s GONE.

Outraged, my partner who works in the Health Regie here, knows that a doctor and their practise must inform clients at least a couple of months in advance of a retirement so that said clients can find another family doctor. Although there are none at this moment in time, and the waiting list to get one is FOUR (4) years long.

Having shared a heated conversation with the receptionist, my partner came through to give me the bad news. No wonder we’ve been unable to get an appointment.

I have no idea what I’m going to do. Or how I am to renew my monthly prescriptions. Especially as the receptionist made it perfectly clear to my partner that as I am no longer a patient with a doctor at this clinic, I can no longer utilise the walk-in clinic service either.

So all this doctors patients have now been set adrift, with nowhere to get medical advice and treatment. We will all have to add our names to the waiting list, along with over half the population of the province.

To say I’m mad is an understatement, I’m incandescent. I have never been this angry before.

It is absolutely thrashing it down outside. And guess who has to go out this afternoon? Of course it’s stormy.

Better go look for my wellies later … I think I’m gonna need them.

As I have premium and can create up to 5 blogs (if I want to,) I’ve created a dedicated photo blog, Snap Happy, that I will try to post to every day with something fresh and new (or within the last 30 days).

Stop by and check it out if you’re interested.

Well, the chores are done, the sheets laundereded, the bed made, and I’ve had my shower. I guess I can reward myself with a nice lunch next, right?

Chores, chores, chores … why do chores take up so much of our precious time? I need to employ a cleaner, a cook, and someone to do the laundry. Offers anyone … anyone?

Shame the OH never does any of this.