It’s raining.

It’s been raining since about 10 pm last night. And, we’re reliably informed on the weather report this morning, that it’s going to rain all day Saturday, all day Sunday, all day Monday and maybe, just maybe Tuesday afternoon, we might see the sun and blue skies for an hour or three … maybe.

A damn low has stalled over our fair city and looks set to swirl above us for the rest of eternity … what, okay, maybe not that long, but damn, four consecutive days is three days too many. Especially as we were supposed to meet up with my SiL this weekend for the annual flea market on rue Cartier, which is always a fun event. That looks like it’s cancelled till the following weekend.

I’m not sure I can cope with being stuck inside for 4 days … send help, send a boat … send chocolate will you?

Bah humbug!