Had a wonderfully busy and fun day out today. The OH decided last night to take a couple of days off, as they’re feeling burnt out at work. So we thought to go to the mall and do what every good North American does, indulge in some retail therapy.

I came away with some music. Beyonce & Taylor Swift’s new albums.


I also got a belated birthday present off the OH, something I’ve been after for ages … a Traveller’s Notebook (cover and inserts).

travellers -notebook

We also indulged our inner child and bought Kung Fu Panda 4 to watch tonight (thanks @andycarolan)!

Then, to top that, I scored a free book at my fav store as I had accrued $25 in credit. I now have Steve Berry’s The Atlas Manoeuvre. Ain’t I the lucky one?

But we didn’t stop there … we went for a late lunch at the new Japanese sushi place and stuffed ourselves … no, sorry, I was too busy eating to take photos. You’ll just have to imagine how delicious the food was and leave it at that.


All in all, a fantastic day out.