It’s time to play some Kate Bush … LOUDLY!

It’s a brisk, blustery 18 degrees outside today! 😳

Also this week, in the interest of enjoying two of my favourite summer drinks at home, a Shirley Temple and a date and almond smoothie (and not paying a fortune for either of them) I’ve learn how to make my own versions. I must say, after a little experimentation, I think I’ve nailed them.

If anyone would like me to post the recipes, let me know, and I will.

This Just In!

I did it … I added a Guestbook to my Bear Blog. Stop by and say ‘Allo!…

Took a walk to the local hardware store to find a terracotta pot plant for my palm tree, which has grown, eh, big. Do you know how much those mother suckers are? Yikes!

Anyway, guess who’s gardening on the balcony this afternoon? Yes, me.

Soooo, I tidied up and added of a few new pages on my, alex ink, in an effort to get back using it for notes and short post. Look out for more TV, film & book reviews.

Thoughts on the Acolyte Ep. 7

Well, I don’t know about anyone else, but we watched episode 7 of The Acolyte last night. And, I have to say, I enjoyed this one. Not only were the fight scenes excellent, but we finally got some more background on what’s going on and, of course, we got to see a little bit more of Carrie-Anne Moss in action.

I’m still not sure where, exactly, this show is heading, or quite what it’s message is (if any). And, to be honest, it feels a little rushed. Like we should have had a lot more depth to the story and character arcs, especially about Manny Jacinto’s Sith character, Qimir.

I mean, come on people, we only have one episode left. Really?

Okay, people let’s have at … it time to share the goods! What are your top 5 fav movies of the moment.

Mine are:

  1. The Fifth Element
  2. Alien
  3. Finding Nemo
  4. Dune, 2021
  5. Beaches
Come one, fess up!

So the weather didn’t exactly cooperate this morning, while it didn’t rain, it’s wasn’t great weather to take photos. Nonetheless, we geared up, caught the bus in, what we thought was early for a Sunday, to go see the Naval Ships docked in the Old Port. Only to get there and discover half of Quebec City already there and queueing to get aboard, to do guided tours.

Turns out, the 4 ships where not really big, though, still, they each were fascinating in their own way to see. There was one ship from the UK, one from the US, and 2 from Canada.

Here’s a few snaps I took.

In the Land of Women

a still from Land of Women (Apple TV)

Don’t know about anyone else, but I’m thoroughly enjoying Land Of Women on Apple TV. While a tried and tested trope, I love this obvious twist on it, and who doesn’t love Eva Longoria in a comedy? But I have to say, the one character I’m loving so far has got to be Grandma, Carmen Maura as Julia, who steals every scene she’s in. So deadpan and droll, and that twinkle in her eye? Priceless.

I put off going to see the Navel Flotilla that came in Thursday evening, at the Old Port, because the OH said they wanted to see them too. But, yesterday afternoon after work, they were too tired. So we said we’d go today.

So, of course, it’s been raining all night and will do all day, today, we’re told. Typical!

Well, there’s always tomorrow (I hope.)

Just did a supermarket run to go grab a fresh baked smoked ham, baguette, some salad stuff, and of course, dessert for tonight’s dinner.

Of course, I forgot, the FEQ started last night. That’s the Festival de Quebec, the summer fest of 10 days of bands, bands, and, eh, bands. Which meant, the bus was full of party goers. It was sardines in there.. They go to their staging area early to nab their spot.

You want music, we have music!

Well, now I know what I’m doing this afternoon, if the weather cooperates (and cools down 5-6 degrees). I’m off out to the Old Port to see 5 naval ships: the NCSM Fredericton, the NCSM William Hall, the HMS Protector, the FS Rhone, and the USS Carney arrived yesterday afternoon in the Old Port Basin.

Today and all weekend they are open to tours, and there’s a sailor’s parade on Sunday (if the weather holds out). And then, something of a regatta late afternoon Sunday.

I love, love, love this city for all the fun things that go on here!

It’s gong to be another hot sticky one out there again, today! The humidity is already up over 80% and we’re supposed to get to 29 later this afternoon.

I think I’ll go sit in the shower till 8 pm.

Brain fried

This is how much of a dope I am at times. I went out to the St. Malo boat regatta here, in the City Marina, and thought, while I’m out, I’ll update the iMac, so it’s ready when I get home. Then I spend three hoursrs in the hot sun taking photos, get home and …

Completely forgot what I’d done, and, of course, panicked when the iMac wouldn’t open.

Duh! 😳

Bed Best friends … Louisa Bunny, Benjamin Bear, and Boris Karloff

We went from 28 degrees yesterday to 16 today.

What kind of fresh hell is this?

I’m having the ultimate gourmet dinner tonight …

Beans on toast. How very British of me. πŸ˜†

Out for a walk along the rue st. jean this morning and saw these @maique and thought of you!

It’s finally stopped raining …

Does happy dance …