
Full Post List

Jul 21, 2024: It’s time to play some Kate Bush … LOUDLY!

Jul 21, 2024: It’s a brisk, blustery 18 degrees outside today! 😳

Jul 21, 2024: Also this week, in the interest of enjoying two of my favourite summer drinks at home, a Shirley Temple and a date and almond smoothie (and not paying …

Jul 20, 2024: This Just In! I did it … I added a Guestbook to my Bear Blog. Stop by and say ‘Allo!…

Jul 20, 2024: Took a walk to the local hardware store to find a terracotta pot plant for my palm tree, which has grown, eh, big. Do you know how much those mother …

Jul 18, 2024: Soooo, I tidied up and added of a few new pages on my, alex ink, in an effort to get back using it for notes and short post. Look out for …

Jul 11, 2024: Thoughts on the Acolyte Ep. 7 Well, I don’t know about anyone else, but we watched episode 7 of The Acolyte last night. And, I have to say, I enjoyed this one. Not only were …

Jul 8, 2024: Okay, people let’s have at … it time to share the goods! What are your top 5 fav movies of the moment. Mine are: The Fifth Element Alien …

Jul 7, 2024: So the weather didn’t exactly cooperate this morning, while it didn’t rain, it’s wasn’t great weather to take photos. …

Jul 6, 2024: In the Land of Women Don’t know about anyone else, but I’m thoroughly enjoying Land Of Women on Apple TV. While a tried and tested trope, I love this obvious …

Jul 6, 2024: I put off going to see the Navel Flotilla that came in Thursday evening, at the Old Port, because the OH said they wanted to see them too. But, …

Jul 5, 2024: Just did a supermarket run to go grab a fresh baked smoked ham, baguette, some salad stuff, and of course, dessert for tonight’s dinner. Of …

Jul 5, 2024: Well, now I know what I’m doing this afternoon, if the weather cooperates (and cools down 5-6 degrees). I’m off out to the Old Port to see …

Jul 4, 2024: It’s gong to be another hot sticky one out there again, today! The humidity is already up over 80% and we’re supposed to get to 29 later …

Jun 28, 2024: Brain fried This is how much of a dope I am at times. I went out to the St. Malo boat regatta here, in the City Marina, and thought, while I’m out, I’ll update …

Jun 27, 2024: Bed Best friends … Louisa Bunny, Benjamin Bear, and Boris Karloff

Jun 27, 2024: We went from 28 degrees yesterday to 16 today. What kind of fresh hell is this?

Jun 25, 2024: I’m having the ultimate gourmet dinner tonight … Beans on toast. How very British of me. 😆

Jun 25, 2024: Out for a walk along the rue st. jean this morning and saw these @maique and thought of you!

Jun 11, 2024: It’s finally stopped raining … Does happy dance …

Jun 10, 2024: Day Four (4) Can someone please stop the rain … I think I saw Noah’s Ark float passed my window just now.

Jun 7, 2024: It’s raining. It’s been raining since about 10 pm last night. And, we’re reliably informed on the weather report this morning, that …

Jun 6, 2024: I was on a mission this morning, tasked with finding and buying a soft plush on behalf of my sister in law. She’s about to be a grandmother, …

Jun 5, 2024: Was Disney’s The Acolyte that bad last night that no one’s talking aboutg about it today? Do I watch it,or skip it?

Jun 5, 2024: I should have been having an ultra sound just about now, at a clinic just across the road from where I live. But, yesterday afternoon, I cancelled it. …

Jun 4, 2024: So I’m about to have a carb-crash as I just finished eating a very late lunch. Why am I eating lunch late? I’m so glad you asked. Because …

Jun 3, 2024: Gorgeous blue skies out there today …

Jun 3, 2024: Well, that 25 of this morning is now 32 and, with no breeze, hotter than hell out there.

Jun 3, 2024: It’s not even 9:30 and it’s already 25 degrees and climbing. It’s going to be another hot one this afternoon.

Jun 2, 2024: Ouch! I don’t know how I managed to do it, but I missed putting spf 60 on the back of my neck yesterday. As a consequence, I have a small sore red …

Jun 1, 2024: I’ve just got back home from a walkabout and other than feeling a little dehydrated—it’s 25 and gloriously sunny out side—I’m …

May 31, 2024: Well, colour me tickled pink … listening to Beyonce’s Cowboy Carter album and, you know what, I love it! Who woulda thunk it!

May 30, 2024: Had a wonderfully busy and fun day out today. The OH decided last night to take a couple of days off, as they’re feeling burnt out at work. So …

May 29, 2024: When you drop a glass on the floor of the bathroom where you’ve stopped to pee on route to the kitchen … And it shatters! Please, …

May 28, 2024: #Junited2024 With Annie’s #weblogpomo2024 challenge nearing it’s end Robert Birming has come up with a fun thing for us all to participate in during June, …

May 27, 2024: My partner and I have been trying for over a month now (nearly 6 weeks in fact) to try and get an appointment with my family doctor. It’s been …

May 27, 2024: It is absolutely thrashing it down outside. And guess who has to go out this afternoon? Of course it’s stormy. Better go look for my wellies …

May 26, 2024: As I have premium and can create up to 5 blogs (if I want to,) I’ve created a dedicated photo blog, Snap Happy, that I will try to …

May 26, 2024: Well, the chores are done, the sheets laundereded, the bed made, and I’ve had my shower. I guess I can reward myself with a nice lunch next, right?

May 24, 2024: Chores, chores, chores … why do chores take up so much of our precious time? I need to employ a cleaner, a cook, and someone to do the laundry. …

May 23, 2024: I’m sure the lawn care people really don’t need to start mowing the lawns around our building at 7:30 am. I mean, come on, people are …

May 22, 2024: It’s 32 degrees already … It’s hot! I think summer arrived this week.

May 21, 2024: Yesterday was clear blue skies, hot and humid, with the day ending in a terrific thunderstorm that lasted only about 40 minutes but, nonetheless, was …

May 20, 2024: Madame Blanc Mysteries ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Acorn TV Watched May 19, 2024 Three seasons in and while there are a couple of annoying characters who, quite frankly, …

May 20, 2024: Franklin ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Apple TV Watched May 17, 2024 I love me a really good historical drama complete with accurate attention to detail, and Apple …

May 18, 2024: Basic Italian Tomato Pasta Sauce I think it’s time to share another recipe since it’s Saturday, and I know at least 2 people asking about how make basic sauces. So …

May 17, 2024: So happy to report that after receiving treatment, including x-rays, a CT scan and stitches to her nose, my mother in law was released from hospital …

May 16, 2024: I just got a panicked call from my OH to tell me the mother in law has been rushed into hospital. It seems she had a terrible tumble while getting out …

May 15, 2024: The Vanishing Triangle ⭐️⭐️ TV show 2024 Watched May 13, 2024 Well, that was one hell of a surprise, and not a good one. We started watching this one …

May 13, 2024: Enjoying a Life of Crime! Ah, I love Monday evening TV which, tonight, consists of: Brokenwood Mysteries — a police series set in New Zealand The …

May 12, 2024: As seen at the Mother in law’s place … the first swift of the season.

May 11, 2024: Space babies … really, I mean, come on, Space Babies? What the hell happened to Dr. Who?

May 11, 2024: Last night’s #AuroraBorealis was something quite special, even for us here, in Quebec City. The colours were outstanding.

May 10, 2024: The Ipcress File ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ TV show 2024 Watched May 9, 2024 Well, colour me surprised, not only was this TV version of Len Deighton’s book almost …

May 9, 2024: Dark Matter S1. ⭐️⭐️ TV show 2024 Watched May 8, 2024 It was just as well I had no expectations going into Apple TV’s latest SciFi show, Dark …

May 8, 2024: Saw these flowers in the park, though I have no idea what they are. They look very delicate though. Note: my thanks to Christine M. …

May 6, 2024: Proof that spring has finally arrived up here, in the frozen north!

May 5, 2024: I’m sorry there was no Marginalia post yesterday, as promised, as I was as sick as a dog. Let’s just say the porcelain throne saw me more than my …

May 3, 2024: I think Woody the Woodpecker has been hard at work.

May 3, 2024: I’m putting together a list of topics to write about for my #WeblogPoMo2024 challenge over on Marginalia, so if there’s anything you want …

May 2, 2024: A change of line up … my Grub (my food blog) is no more, it wasn’t generating any interest so … I deleted it and …

May 2, 2024: Micro blog question: @manton can I delete one of my five blogs and then, create a new one in the subsequent vacant slot? Thanks.

May 2, 2024: It was a beautiful sunny semi-warm day yesterday. Today? It’s blowing a gale and the rain’s almost horizontal … Yea!

May 1, 2024: Chicken Cacciatore This is my adaptation of a fairly standard cacciatore recipe. And what makes it so easy is it’s a one pan meal that can be done on the stove top …

Apr 30, 2024: Day 30: hometown | as suggested by @mattypenny #mbapr

Apr 29, 2024: Day29 : drift | as suggested by @SimonWoods #mbapr

Apr 28, 2024: Day 28: community | as suggested by @stupendousman #mbapr

Apr 27, 2024: Can someone please explain this notice popping up when I try to post to one of my other blogs, given I know I have several months left before renewal. …

Apr 27, 2024: Day27 : surprise | as suggested by @Sdevore #mbapr

Apr 26, 2024: I overheard a conversation between two elderly gents this morning, while out. One guys says to the other: “I’m not going on a river cruise …

Apr 26, 2024: Day 26: Critter | as suggested by @7robots #mbapr

Apr 26, 2024: I’m inconsolable at the moment, as it seems most of the third party apps on my iPhone 4 have stopped working or, at least, they’re not …

Apr 25, 2024: Started watching the first season of Acapulco on Apple TV last night , well, binge watching actually. And, have to ask myself, why didn’t I …

Apr 25, 2024: Day 25: Spine(less) | as suggested by @thedimpause #mbapr

Apr 24, 2024: Jesus H … the steady rain that’s been pouring down all morning has turned to … SNOW! It’s freaking snowing.

Apr 24, 2024: Day 24: Light | as suggested by @eumrz #mbapr

Apr 23, 2024: Day 23: dreamy | as suggested by @maique #mbapr

Apr 22, 2024: Day 22: Blue | as suggested by @lzbth #mbapr

Apr 21, 2024: ”Footsteps in the sands of time are not made by standing still.”

Apr 21, 2024: Day 21: mountain | as suggested by @dejus #mbapr

Apr 19, 2024: Day 19: birthday | prompt submitted by @crossingthethreshold #mbapr

Apr 19, 2024: I guess I should have realised last night that this morning was going to be difficult in that, after doing an hour at physio and then, coming home and …

Apr 18, 2024: So for those of you following along, the first physio appointment went well. I was pulled, poked, prodded, measured and manipulated to the point my …

Apr 17, 2024: For those of you who have been wondering where I’ve been these last few days, I had another unscheduled ER visit on Thursday. And, not only have …

Apr 10, 2024: FYI: For those of you who are following along. The I created for my fiction called, The Story Hub, is now flying under a new banner, namely …

Apr 10, 2024: Day 10: train | prompt submitted by @starrwulfe (no train … but a train station?) #mbapr

Apr 9, 2024: Day 9: crispy | prompt submitted by @rom #mbapr

Apr 8, 2024: Awww … all over. It went darkish, but not completely dark. Then, that was it. It came. We saw (sort of). It went. That’s it here till …

Apr 8, 2024: And so … it has begun. The moon has moved into position and has begun it’s transit. An hour to go before full totality.

Apr 8, 2024: Just over an hour and a half to go till the eclipse starts it’s cycle here, in Quebec.

Apr 8, 2024: Day 8: prevention | prompt submitted by @anniegreens #mbapr

Apr 7, 2024: Day 7: well-being | prompt submitted by @ridwan #mbapr

Apr 6, 2024: Help! Anyone … I need someone to explain, step by step preferably, how to add a domain name to my next and final blog. Do I create …

Apr 6, 2024: Day 6: windy | prompt submitted by @Miraz #mbapr

Apr 5, 2024: Does any one have an opinion or suggestion as to which theme handles photos the best (in large format), as I’m thinking a photo blog …

Apr 5, 2024: Day 5: serene | prompt submitted by @chiawase #mbapr

Apr 4, 2024: 🍁 Day 4: foliage | prompt submitted by @pratik #mbapr

Apr 4, 2024: I just got back from the nurse (she was taking yet more blood for yet more tests) and I am so thankful there is a clinic in the pharmacy that just …

Apr 3, 2024: 📷 Day03 : card | prompt suggested by @val #mbapr

Apr 3, 2024: First World Problems Just got back from yet another visit to the dentist. Last week it was the hygienist which set me back $300. Today it was for a 15 minute filling on a …

Apr 2, 2024: Day 2: flowers | prompt submitted by @davegullett #mbapr

Mar 31, 2024: Not content with creating a food blog, a book blog and posting about daily life on my personal blog, I’m now wondering what to tackle as my next …

Mar 29, 2024: And … For those of you who might be interested, the new recipe blog is now live and cooking on the stove top here: GRUB Why, yes, yes I did …

Mar 29, 2024: Two blogs in and, I’m already thinking about what else I want to blog about and … I’m leaning towards creating a blog for food, …

Mar 28, 2024: I’m only now just catching up with my posts after a hectic morning of errands and the dentist. Well, I should say, the hygienist. And now, not …

Mar 27, 2024: I figured it out … how to implement microhooks on on the tiny theme for Book Blurb and now have a bright new shiny logo! I am so proud of …

Mar 27, 2024: Okay, wtf? I’m trying to post to my 2 day old new blog and … error messages everywhere. Plus Rate limit exceeded … huh?

Mar 27, 2024: Okay, another question I hope someone can answer. How do I add a different logo/avatar to my new, Book Blurb? Or am I forever stuck with …

Mar 26, 2024: I’m looking for the Tiny theme add-on: Summary Posts by @Mtt in the plugins, to add to my new blog, Book Blurb and … Can’t find it. …

Mar 26, 2024: I been gone an done it … I upgraded my subscription on to expand my empire and take over the world eh, add new blogs covering topics …

Mar 26, 2024: Damn, why is it so hard to make a decision and commit?

Mar 25, 2024: Another question about upgrading … if anyone can let me know: Will my access to all new blogs created be through a single control …

Mar 24, 2024: Once Upon A Time ... This one is for who was curious about the last ComicCon I attended here, in Montreal. Which was way back pre-covid, in 2019. …

Mar 21, 2024: Question! If I update to a premium plan while currently in the middle of a basic yearly plan, will I still be charged the full $100 …

Mar 19, 2024: After an extended period away from my desk, I’m now trying to get back into a regular routine that includes blogging. But, not wanting to post …

Mar 17, 2024: Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow… 2 days of the fluffy white stuff.

Mar 13, 2024: Bonjour everyone — another update for you on my health. And, of course, a chance for me to say another BIG thank you to everyone who continues to ask …

Mar 4, 2024: Bonjour Everyone — Alexandra here, I just wanted to stop by and give everyone a quick update on my health and progress so far. And, of course, to say …

Feb 28, 2024: In case anyone was wondering where I am, I just got out of hospital yesterday afternoon after gastro problems topped off with a blood pressure event. …

Feb 23, 2024: Criminal Record S1. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ TV Show 2024 Watched 22 February 2024 We watched the season finale of Criminal Record on Apple last night and, I have to …

Feb 22, 2024: “Making workable choices occurs in a crucible of informative mistakes.” — Bene Gesserit, Dune

Feb 22, 2024: Doctor’s appointment done and dusted for another year, and glad it’s all over and done with. But I have more blood tests to do in June as …

Feb 22, 2024: “My karma just ran over your dogma” — Al Roker

Feb 21, 2024: So happy the doctor’s office phoned at the crack of dawn to tell me tomorrow’s appointment was moved from 8 am to noon.

Feb 20, 2024: The world changes by your example, not by your opinion.

Feb 20, 2024:

Feb 19, 2024: Weeknotes #07/24 My #weeknotes have somehow turned into weekend notes due to the fact that during winter I don’t get out as much. So there’s little going …

Feb 19, 2024: Frigidly cold out there this morning. It was MINUS 19 when I got up. Glad it warmed up a little when I had to go out and get groceries. Still a brisk …

Feb 17, 2024: Had the first lie-in I’ve had in ages this morning, given the OH is staying over at their mother’s due to her fall. I got to have the …

Feb 15, 2024: A human being should be able to … change a nappy butcher a pig conn a ship design a building write a sonnet balance accounts set a bone comfort …

Feb 15, 2024: They say everything happens in threes. And so it is today. I get a call from the dentist to confirm the forgotten hygienist’s appointment for …

Feb 14, 2024: The Mandalorian S3. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ TV Show 2023 Watched 13 February 2024 Finished the last couple of episodes of season 3 of The Mandalorian last night …

Feb 14, 2024: Okay, does anyone know how I can implement my new-look logo on As currently, it chops it to fit within a small circle and that …

Feb 14, 2024: I am beside myself with childish glee, why? Because the wonderful and oh so generous Michael Burkhardt created a new logo for me. In the retro 50s …

Feb 13, 2024: Looking to freshen up my website’s theme and, because I want to add and share more photos, I’ve changed my theme to the photo friendly …

Feb 13, 2024: Some days I have a lot to say. Some days, I have nothing.

Feb 13, 2024: My apologies to the rest of the east coast as they struggle through several inches of snow, driving winds and scary high tides … We’ve …

Feb 12, 2024: And what did you have for brunch this weekend?

Feb 12, 2024: Finished watching seasons 1 & 2 of The Mandalorian plus The Book of Boba Fett this weekend, and started season 3 as of yesterday. There better be …

Feb 12, 2024: We went bed shopping Saturday with the mother in law, and made it a day out. Especially since the MiL insisted we hit nearly every bed shop in the …

Feb 11, 2024: One of the most fun, enjoyable reads you’re ever likely to have, The Perplexing Theft of the Jewel in the Crown by Vaseem Khan is at once …

Feb 9, 2024: How sad is it that we’re all stuck in this manufacture dilemma of having to self censor nearly everything we say, online. Greg Morris talked …

Feb 9, 2024: I think my motor has stalled out …

Feb 9, 2024: So we knew it couldn’t last, our seven day streak of glorious (but cold) weather has been replaced with clouds and the threat of either snow or …

Feb 8, 2024: Russian spam bots have found my blog, and now? I’m getting between 10-20 spam comments (in Russian) an hour … Shame we can’t return …

Feb 8, 2024: Criminal Record S.1 E.6 ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 2024 TV Show Watched 07 February 2024 Sad to say, this show has slipped into the predictable with the storylines. While …

Feb 8, 2024: I still miss you mum. I miss your smile, your singing, and playing a good game of cribbage with you. Love always ❤️

Feb 7, 2024: It’s a mint tea kind of day …

Feb 7, 2024: ✏️ For those of you who are following along, Snickers #07 is now available. Enjoy the snack.

Feb 7, 2024: Are we there yet?

Feb 7, 2024: The Night Manager ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 2024 TV Show Watched 04 February 2024 I would have scored this TV adaptation of John le Carré’s novel of the same name …

Feb 7, 2024: I do not want to do adult things today …

Feb 6, 2024: They grow some exceptionally large squirrels in these parts …

Feb 6, 2024: Fourth day in a row we’ve been graced with absolutely glorious sunshine … the downside to all this glistening beauty? The frigid cold. …

Feb 5, 2024: #dailyphoto

Feb 5, 2024: Weeknotes #05/24 Week five done and dusted, and yes, another relatively quiet week. No one here plans anything more than trips to the grocery given the weather’s …

Feb 5, 2024: Another beautiful sunny day out there, again, today. We had an incredibly busy, family-oriented weekend with a mall visit thrown in for good measure. …

Feb 2, 2024: Oh, will you look at this, Matt Langford—creator of the Tiny Theme—has created an awesome update to his theme incorporating Microhooks! You can now …

Feb 2, 2024: Oh, look, the sun came out …

Feb 1, 2024: #dailyphoto

Feb 1, 2024: Criminal Record S.1 E.5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 2024 TV Show Watched 31 January 2024 Last night’s episode devolved into a family drama, albeit, one with a rough …

Feb 1, 2024: Adele, Adele … I can’t sing that high … Anymore … anymore … hello from the other side …

Jan 31, 2024: #dailyphoto

Jan 31, 2024: Death and Other Details S.1 E.4 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 2024 TV Show Watched 30 January 2024 This was another slice of deliciously layered murder-mystery cake that …

Jan 31, 2024: “Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.” — Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Jan 30, 2024: #dailyphoto

Jan 30, 2024: The idea started with me writing a list for all the travel places I want to visit now we’re slowly emerging from covid. And from there, I …

Jan 29, 2024: Weeknotes #04/24 Last week was a blur not because I was exceptionally busy, indeed, quite the opposite in fact. It was so empty and devoid of anything of interest …

Jan 29, 2024: ✏️ For those following along, my latest humorous post, Snickers #5, is now available. Enjoy!

Jan 29, 2024: Just discovered Marmite has done an XO version of it’s oh so tasty spread … how the hell do I get a pot (or three?) Waaaaaaant!

Jan 29, 2024: Monsieur Spade S.1 E.3 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 2024 TV Show Watched 28 January 2024 This was a relatively quiet, clue-filled episode with lots going on, on so many …

Jan 28, 2024: Masters of the Air S.1 E.1 ⭐️⭐️ 2024 TV Show Watched 27 January 2024 I’m beginning to think Spielberg loves WWII and is stuck on showing the …

Jan 27, 2024: ✏️ For those of you waiting I’ve posted the next installment, Snicker #4 is up on my scribbles page.

Jan 27, 2024: Watching the women’s hockey—Ottawa verses Montreal (and, yes, I’m cheering for Montreal). I have to say, watching the women beats the men …

Jan 27, 2024: Sombre and sad early morning, this morning, we were at the one-month memorial mass for my father in law. A small family affair in the crypt of the …

Jan 26, 2024: #dailyphoto

Jan 26, 2024: Look who I spotted having a snow bath in the privacy hedge …

Jan 26, 2024: And … it’s snowing … again!

Jan 25, 2024: Criminal Record S.1 E.4 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 2024 TV Show Watched 24 January 2024 Once again, this episode threw up more questions than answers, as we see …

Jan 25, 2024: A cheeky squirrel managed to scale the outside wall of our apartment block and came snooping around on our balcony looking for food. I quite often, on …

Jan 24, 2024: #dailyphoto

Jan 24, 2024: Monsieur Spade S.1 E.2 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 2024 TV Show Watched 23 January, 2024 This outliner of a show is turning out to be a real hidden gem. Set in France …

Jan 24, 2024: ✏️ For those of you who are interested, you can check out my latest whimsey over on my Scribbles page where I’m sharing some more humour with the …

Jan 24, 2024: Death & Other Details S.1 E.3 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 2024 TV Show Watched 23 January, 2024 With the characters established in the first 2 episodes, we’re …

Jan 23, 2024: #dailyphoto

Jan 23, 2024: ✏️ Some more of my humorous Scribbles for you to read, Stapled.

Jan 23, 2024: Station Eleven ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 2024 TV Show Watched 22 January, 2024 We finished watching this post apocalyptic dystopian series last night. And while, for …

Jan 23, 2024: It’s an almost balmy Minus 8 degrees out there today. The sun is shining in a clear blue sky, and making great shadow patterns on the left over …

Jan 22, 2024: If you would like to know more about the authors behind the books I review, you might like to check out my Author Interview series over on the Big Bad …

Jan 22, 2024: #dailyphoto

Jan 22, 2024: Weeknotes 03/24 So week three started slowly, but ended with a party—more on that later. I can’t say anything exciting happened. The OH is still dealing with a …

Jan 21, 2024: I’m sat here thinking that I am really not in the mood to write a post, let alone my weekly notes for last week (especially as not that much …

Jan 20, 2024: We’re supposed to be doing a special birthday dinner for my sister in law’s 50th tonight. The restaurant’s booked and the taxi is …

Jan 19, 2024: A pot of tomato soup is on the go, the rice pudding is in the oven, and the fresh baguette is waiting on the side. That’s dinner sorted.

Jan 19, 2024: #dailyphoto

Jan 19, 2024: Monsieur Spade S.1 E.1 ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 2024 TV Show Watched 18 January, 2024 We discovered this new noir crime thriller over on Acorn TV and, to be honest, I …

Jan 19, 2024: It might be a beautiful sunny day out there but, with the windchill (again,) it’s a frigid MINUS 24.

Jan 18, 2024: My brain has stalled out … I’m looking to set out a table of information on the TV shows and Movies I’ll watch through out the …

Jan 18, 2024: Criminal Record S1. E3 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 2024 TV Show Watched 17 January 2024 I’m all in on this gripping dark and gritty police procedural featuring …

Jan 18, 2024: The sun is shining through a thin wisp of high altitude cloud but what’s amazing is the fact I’m sat here staring out the window, …

Jan 17, 2024: Pork in Garlic Mushroom Sauce Tonight I’m making this simple but very adaptive recipe based on pork. You can use either a cheap cut of cubed pork, pork chops, or even pork loin. …

Jan 17, 2024: #dailyphoto

Jan 16, 2024: #dailyphoto

Jan 16, 2024: I can’t decide whether to create a dedicated website for my photos, especially all my floral portraits (flower photos) or, just continue to post …

Jan 16, 2024: No snow today (yet) but boy, is it cold out there. A chilly MINUS 17! Cold enough I had to put an extra layer of clothing on just to go buy a loaf of …

Jan 15, 2024: #dailyphoto

Jan 15, 2024: For those of you who might be interested, I’ve added a couple more articles and a primer (or two) to the writing section of my website. #writing …

Jan 15, 2024: “Was it a bad day or was it a bad ten minutes that you milked all day?”

Jan 15, 2024: The weekend storm has finally moved through and, this morning, we have perfect single snowflakes falling from a laden grey sky. While it’s a …

Jan 14, 2024: #dailyphoto

Jan 14, 2024: Weeknotes #02/24 A curious week of of everyone slowly easing back into normalcy and routine, with not a lot going on other than work. It’s just too damn cold and …

Jan 13, 2024: #dailyphoto

Jan 13, 2024: So, what kind of soup shall I make for later? Oh, look I have eyes budding potato soup Slightly mushed and blemished tomato soup Passed their sell-by …

Jan 13, 2024: Severe wind warnings in place. Severe snowstorm warnings in place. Severe windchill warning in place … The weather outside my window is, to …

Jan 12, 2024: #dailyphoto

Jan 12, 2024: So, it’s a beautiful sunny day here, today, after all that snow yesterday. And, just to show you how much we got, here’s a couple of …

Jan 11, 2024: And, the answer is ... Colbert asked the questions and I’m giving the answers. Best sandwich? Croque Maman. What’s one thing you own that you really should throw out? …

Jan 11, 2024: Yikes, Apple, why, just why? I feel like it took maybe, what, 30 minutes for the latest update to finalise? What the hell took so long to update? I …

Jan 10, 2024: #dailyphoto

Jan 10, 2024: Well, everyone was moaning we were missing out on snow this winter (which only officially started Dec 21) and here we are, heading towards a white …

Jan 9, 2024: The problem with letting the girls swing free all day is nipple burn. Ladies, you know what I mean.

Jan 9, 2024: #dailyphoto

Jan 9, 2024: So, somehow, while making dinner last night I pulled a muscle in my left shoulder—and don’t ask me how because as of this morning I still …

Jan 8, 2024: Playing around on my website and debating whether to add new sections and if so, what they would be. Especially as I want to add more photos. So, do I …

Jan 8, 2024: I feel like after the stress and strain of the last month and an unwelcome start to this new year, I want to get back to things that make me happy, …

Jan 7, 2024: Week Notes #01/24 It’s funny to say that this week has been both busy and quiet at the same time. We’ve both been busy in that my OH had to finalise a few …

Jan 5, 2024: Prepping for the funeral Been a crazy busy morning here, in the Frozen North, with so many last minute things to take care of before tomorrow’s funeral. Me and mine have …

Jan 4, 2024: 🍿 Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar’s Revenge (Disney+) ⭐️⭐️ This overly long mess of a movie missed the mark by about a continent (or two) with …

Jan 4, 2024: “Space has put man in his place; one amongst the millions of kind of living things crawling around on … a minor planet circling a …

Jan 4, 2024: And … just like that, the sun came out. This is the first sunny day since Christmas Eve I should point out. That’s eleven (11) days of …

Jan 2, 2024: “Easy is the path to wisdom for those not blinded by ego.”- Star Wars

Jan 2, 2024: I’m changing my avatar (just to confuse everyone) and having a small facelift on my and mastodon accounts to start the new year …

Jan 2, 2024: We ended the year with a sad death in the family—my father in law died of cancer Dec 11th—so it’s hard to sit here and be witty or have anything …

Jan 1, 2024: “I think many people love their problems. Gives them all sorts of excuses for not growing up and getting on with life.” ― Louise Penny, Still Life

Dec 29, 2023: My 2024 Predictions It’s that time of year when so many people think about writing blog posts looking back at the year that’s gone, and or writing up their …

Dec 28, 2023: “Today, I will not stress over what I cannot control.”

Dec 27, 2023: Doing some maintenance and cancelling a number of subscriptions before the end of the year. Cancelled a couple of old domain names and will not be …

Dec 26, 2023: So we had a crazy brunch date with just essential family, at my sister in law’s place on Sunday in which we all ate too much, maybe drank too …

Dec 23, 2023: Full of Christmas Cheer We weren’t going to go out today but over breakfast I had a change of mind and dragged the OH kicking and screaming, okay, sulking, to the Grand …

Dec 22, 2023: Two hours of cleaning so the apartment is now ready to receive guest and not embarrasses us with scurrying dust bunnies chasing the spiders across the …

Dec 21, 2023: SpringBoard Following in everyone’s footsteps, namely, Otávio and Maique, here’s my SpringBoard post. Questionnaire – What is the first app you open …

Dec 21, 2023: It might be damn cold out there at the moment, but the sun’s shining brightly in a clear blue sky, so I did a dreaded shopping run before the …

Dec 20, 2023: For those of you who might be interested, I’ve written up a few thoughts about last nights season finale of A Murder At The End Of The World …

Dec 20, 2023: Okay, so let’s try something. As I’m way out of it when it comes to apps and their usage, let’s throw this out there. What are your …

Dec 20, 2023: “Arguing with an idiot is like playing chess with a pigeon. It’ll just knock over all the pieces, shit on the board, and strut about like it …

Dec 19, 2023: Wow, I literally have the most boring subscriptions page anyone could imagine.

Dec 18, 2023: This too shall pass. It may pass like a kidney stone, but it will pass.

Dec 18, 2023: I’m at home, flying solo today, as the OH is with family at the Funeral Directors sorting out the paperwork for my father in law’s …

Dec 15, 2023: After yesterday’s rain and howling winds, it was supposed to be calmer and warmer today. Ha! Someone forgot to check in with Mother Nature, who …

Dec 14, 2023: In Passing, a Few Thoughts ... Since the last funeral I attended was some years ago (my father’s, nearly 30+ years ago) I’ve forgotten just how tedious and complex …

Dec 13, 2023: Just put a large pot of beef bourguignon in the oven for tonight’s dinner and the smell is making me salivate. Want to come over and share?

Dec 13, 2023: Why is the word bureaucracy such a pain to remember how to spell?

Dec 13, 2023: Once again I would like to say a very big thank you to you all for your thoughts and kind words as my partner and family go through this difficult …

Dec 12, 2023: I would like to extend my sincere thanks to everyone for your kind words of support to me and my partner, and extended family. My father in law lost …

Dec 11, 2023: We just received the call we’ve been dreading all weekend. The hospital calling the tell my partner that my father in law is in his final days - 2 or …

Dec 8, 2023: #Bookreview The Ashes of London a historical murder-mystery by Andrew Taylor ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Dec 8, 2023: Ask me what my current mood is, go on, ask me? It’s incendiary, that’s what. Why? Because I just got a call from my nephew that there’s a Covid …

Dec 7, 2023: And … it’s snowing again. Teeny tiny perfect snowflakes.

Dec 7, 2023: It’s been hard to get my thoughts into order this week, a week that has been longer than it seems and we’re only Thursday. The reason …

Dec 6, 2023: I was so excited, the postman just dropped off a package for me that had my Pepin books of labels, stickers and tapes for my Hobonichi Techo diary. I …

Dec 6, 2023: Encanto (Disney+) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Sweet, poignant, funny and sad with an over-all uplifting theme of family is everything, whatever shape, size and colour …

Dec 6, 2023: Winter wonderland We have a winter wonderland scene outside today, after it snowed all night adding almost 3 more inches to what we already had. It’s beautiful. …

Dec 5, 2023: Clear blue skies dotted with a handful of fluffy white cotton balls and yet, perfect, tiny snow crystals are somehow falling from the sky. …

Dec 4, 2023: Let sleeping yetis lie …

Dec 4, 2023: Weekend Movies included: Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny ⭐️⭐️ Coco ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Onward ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The two Pixar movies outshone the drivel that …

Dec 2, 2023: “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” - Dr. Seuss

Dec 2, 2023: I’m at home today, by myself for the first time in ages. The OH has gone to see their family and will spend all day there. They’re going …

Dec 1, 2023: So after much debate (all five minutes of it) I’m sticking with what I’ve got so far on the new website redesign here: A …

Dec 1, 2023: Yes, yes, I know … we’re all doing it. Tweaking our websites that is … and I’m no exception. I started a couple of days ago, …

Dec 1, 2023: my second cup of coffee of the day and wondering why my ears feel cold. Oh, yeah, I got a haircut! 🤣

Nov 30, 2023: And that dusting of snow that started at X hour this morning is now strengthening … as long as it stops by tomorrow. Please!

Nov 30, 2023: I’m sharing some initial thoughts on last nights double-header episodes of season 3 of, Slow Horses, which aired on Apple TV. And you, what did …

Nov 29, 2023: So, the beef bourguignon is in the oven … it tastes so good … oh, that could be the red wine speaking!

Nov 29, 2023: Oh, look, another beautiful sunny, but briskly cold day out there again, today. It’s a chilly minus 11 at the moment. But will you look at that …

Nov 28, 2023: Another brisk cold one out there today. Minus 8 but, with the windchill, it’s close to minus 12! What’s more, the snow is lingering and …

Nov 27, 2023: Week Notes Abridged Version I should be sat here writing up my Week Notes #16 but, really, I don’t think anyone wants me ramble on about who took my father in law to which …

Nov 26, 2023: Is having another nervous breakdown? Where are all my mentions gone, and, where the hell’s my blog?

Nov 26, 2023: I am soooo tired. It’s been a long weekend. Thankfully, tomorrow is another day.

Nov 24, 2023: You don’t need to attend every argument you are invited to.

Nov 23, 2023: 📺 Monarch: Legacy of Monsters S1. E3 - Secrets & Lies ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This series has all the right ingredients, plenty of action and, of course, plenty …

Nov 23, 2023: I’ve written up my review of Lessons in Chemistry, after watching the season finale last night. I’m kind of sad that this might just be …

Nov 22, 2023: I’m sharing some thoughts on last nights episode of A Murder At The End Of The World and where I think this one might be going … and you, …

Nov 22, 2023: I’d like to take a moment to say a BIG thank you to for helping me out these last couple of days with implementing …

Nov 22, 2023: Wow, just WOW! There are now 48 that’s FORTY EIGHT different flags in my footer on my All denoting the countries of my visitors. …

Nov 22, 2023: Well that dusting of snow got heavier and accumulated over night and now… we’re getting quite the quilt of the white stufff.

Nov 21, 2023: So here again is the In Review logo tweaked as per feedback. Again, let me know if you have a preference. The two are left flush with two tone …

Nov 21, 2023: I’ve been playing around making a simple text logo for the In Review website. So, I need some feedback, which of these images do you prefer more …

Nov 21, 2023: Oh … my Tinylytics hit counter and kudos have stopped working … @vincent any suggestions, @jimmitchell ?

Nov 21, 2023: Another chilly but sunny day, today. Clear blue skies, but it’s a brisk minus 6˚…

Nov 20, 2023: Week Notes #15 Last week was a very long week with lots of family stuff going on so that this weekend, me and mine stayed home rather than drive to go see my father …

Nov 20, 2023: Had a crazy busy morning today and though the sun’s out shining in a clear blue sky, it’s frigidly cold at -8˚ with the windchill! 😳

Nov 19, 2023: Last night, we re-watched the deliciously fabulous, Mary Queen of Scots, starring Margo Robbie and Saoirse Ronan. Find out what I thought, go read my …

Nov 19, 2023: It’s been sort of snowing since the wee small hours of early morning, but it’s only now just started to get heavy and stick to everything. …

Nov 18, 2023: Monarch: Legacy of Monsters We thoroughly enjoyed the double header episodes of last night’s Monarch: Legacy of Monsters on Apple TV. There’s definitely a lot to …

Nov 17, 2023: Okay, so what’s everyone watching on TV at the moment? My top 5 shows currently are: Lessons in Chemistry (Apple) Monarch: Legacy of Monsters …

Nov 17, 2023: “Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.” — Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Nov 15, 2023: I am super stoked and want to give a BIG shout out to both Robb Knight and John Voorhees and their Ruminate podcast for mentioning me and my new …

Nov 15, 2023: Thoughts on, A Murder at the End of the World We watched the first couple episodes of the new series, A Murder at the End of the World and … the familiar saga harks back to not only the …

Nov 14, 2023: For those of you who enjoy watching a good political scandal on the small screen, you should check out Anatomy of a Scandal on Netflix. To quote my …

Nov 14, 2023: Oh, look … the sky outside is turning a soft orange. The sun is setting.

Nov 14, 2023: Hey, Everyone: In Review is now, eh, technically live. Expect on-going construction over the coming weeks as I add more book, movie, or TV show …

Nov 13, 2023: I went and did it … I bought a new domain name: It will host all the reviews I’ve ever done for books, movies, and TV shows. …

Nov 13, 2023: Week Note #14 Last week is a really difficult week to unpack with all that’s happening to my extended family, what with my father in law’s cancer …

Nov 12, 2023: Movie Review: True Grit (2010) Genre: Western Director: Ethan and Joel Coen Writer: Ethan and Joel Coen Stars: Jeff Bridges, Hailee Steinfeld, Matt Damon, and Josh Brolin Premise: …

Nov 11, 2023: Been at the In-Laws most of the day, so everyone is exhausted. My father in law had his first radiation treatment on Friday, and will start treatment …

Nov 9, 2023: Movie Review: The Dressmaker In need of a good distraction last night, we rewatched The Dressmaker. Premise: Accused of murder when she was a child, a dressmaker (Kate Winslet) …

Nov 8, 2023: Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift – that’s why it’s called ‘the present.' — Eleanor Roosevelt

Nov 7, 2023: My Default Apps Following in the footsteps of others far more knowledgable than I, here’s all the boring default apps I use on a daily basis. Mail Client: …

Nov 6, 2023: 🍿 Oz, the Great and Powerful (Disney) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ A feel-good fantasy akin to the Wizard of Oz, this one added to the canon as another visual feast. …

Nov 6, 2023: Week Notes #13 ⏰ Well the week ended with the clocks going back to standard time, here, last night. And then, of course, we had an early start to our day, today. Why …

Nov 5, 2023: Crazy busy day here today, in my part of the world. Family emergency had me and mine up early, so we didn’t get to enjoy that extra hour in bed. …

Nov 1, 2023: NaBloWriMo Here We Go ... So thanks to Apple Annie who was talking about doing a blog-only version of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) which, by the way, started today. …

Nov 1, 2023: Last night was the first time since we’ve lived in this apartment that not one Trick or Treater knocked at our door. Looks like the OH will be …

Nov 1, 2023: A Haunting In Venice (Disney+) ⭐️⭐️ This one was a hokey haunting that probably had Agatha Christie spinning in her grave.

Oct 31, 2023: To essay or not to essay, and where, that is the question. Would people be interested in my writing longer posts here, or not?

Oct 30, 2023: Yay! I’m officially web ringed! Yes, I know, it sounds painful. But thanks to Vincent (Tinylytics) and I’ve now added …

Oct 30, 2023: This is it … this is the Monday that heralds the end of autumn here, for us. It’s snowing. Our first of the season and, I’m sure, …

Oct 29, 2023: Week Notes #12 🌦️ Finally, it had to happen, the weather couldn’t possibly continue to rain forever … we’re having our first full day of sunny …

Oct 29, 2023: TWO (2) degrees … it was TWO (2) degrees outside this morning when we had to go run errands. At least the sun came out, and we have clear blue …

Oct 28, 2023: Well, will you look at that … the sun came out for the first time in over 17 days of rain!

Oct 28, 2023: I’d like to give a huge shout out to Maggie McFee a.k.a. for the two Star Trek badges she sent through: the USS Farragut …

Oct 27, 2023: A big BIG thank you to You are a gentleman and a rock star!

Oct 27, 2023: I’m really sad this morning, as I received an email that reminds me nothing in life comes for free. My current account with OMG.LOL has expired …

Oct 26, 2023: I’ve been inspired by the soft orange crush colour-scheme of David’s blog and, as one does, stolen it.

Oct 26, 2023: A carpet of leaves

Oct 25, 2023: Slowly feel like I’m recovering from the double vax, which is just as well, as I had to go out and run errands this morning. And yes, I was …

Oct 20, 2023: So excited to receive my vegan cook-in sauce order, like a kid who just got a Christmas present early. Jars include: Al'fez apricot & coriander …

Oct 19, 2023: #dailydoodle Here be chickens …

Oct 18, 2023: 📺 We started watching Marvel’s The Gifted (Disney+) last night and … will probably give the rest of the season a miss. Why do the brats …

Oct 16, 2023: Last one standing …

Oct 16, 2023: Week Notes #11 💉I guess the most important thing that happened this week was we got our flu shot. While, at the same time, having to reschedule our covid shot …

Oct 16, 2023: 🍿 Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (Disney +) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant. This was definitely my kind of super-hero movie. …

Oct 13, 2023: #dailydoodle FrankenDolls

Oct 13, 2023: #FreeFiction For those of you who are interested, I’ve added new fiction, and a page about my WIP (novels) to the website. So if you want to …

Oct 13, 2023: Getting my flu shot this afternoon, at noon. #vaxxed

Oct 12, 2023: #dailydoodle The bumblies …

Oct 12, 2023: #covid update We took the bus to the Covid centre yesterday, got there early but, as there was no queue, went straight in and began the inscription …

Oct 10, 2023: Just got confirmation for my COVID shot tomorrow. #fullyvaxxedandproud

Oct 10, 2023: #dailydoodle Skateboarding ghost

Oct 10, 2023: #Halloween Seen out and about yesterday …

Oct 7, 2023: #dailydoodle Peas in a pod

Oct 7, 2023: Taken yesterday at the bois du coulonge …

Oct 7, 2023: Well, it had to happen eventually. The weather changed this morning and, after 15 days of consecutive warm sunny days, it’s heavy and overcast …

Oct 6, 2023: #dailydoodle A cow & a castle

Oct 6, 2023: Crazy busy morning out running errands, and getting stocked up on groceries as today is the start of a long 4-day weekend for us. But while out I did …

Oct 5, 2023: #dailydoodle Climb every mountain …

Oct 5, 2023: 🍿 Haunted Mansion (Disney +) ⭐️⭐️ It took me and mine a minute into watching this one to realise it was a remark of a remake, another attempt by …

Oct 4, 2023: #dailydoodle The aliens are invading …

Oct 4, 2023: 🍿 Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness ⭐️⭐️ This overly long schlockfest was neither entertaining, or well done. Tedious noise!

Oct 3, 2023: #dailydoodle

Oct 3, 2023: #PhotOctober2023 Day 3: Silence

Oct 3, 2023: I knew the good weather wouldn’t last much longer and, today, it’s blowing a gale, cloudy and a bit brisk out there at the moment. Well, …

Oct 2, 2023: So this lunchtime’s lively discussion while slurping soup was, do snails slither or do they glide? The heavyweight debate of the day …

Oct 2, 2023: I’ve posted my easy to make beef bourguignon recipe for those of you who love to cook, and are looking for hearty Fall/Autumn recipes. …

Oct 2, 2023: The In-Laws visited yesterday afternoon and we sat, masked, in the four corners of the room trying to make small talk at a distance (you know, just in …

Oct 1, 2023: 📺 The Old Man (Disney +) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ We finished binge watching this spy drama starring Jeff Bridges and John Lithgow, last night. And thoroughly enjoyed …

Sep 28, 2023: Yippie! My 2024 Hobinichi Techo diary has arrived. And what a beauty she is. Now I have to wait till January 1st to be able to scribble in it. Ha! Who …

Sep 28, 2023: Day 28 : workout #mbsept

Sep 27, 2023: Day 27 : embrace #mbsept

Sep 26, 2023: Food for Thought Just because, and inspired by others doing something similar (Michael I’m looking at you), I’m making good use of a spare domain name I …

Sep 26, 2023: Day 26 : beverage #mbsept

Sep 25, 2023: 📝 Week Notes #9 Weekly Highlights of September 18-24: 💉Me and mine booked our triple vaccine date for October, and will get the flu, COVID and RVS shots all at once. …

Sep 25, 2023: Day 25 : flare #mbsept

Sep 24, 2023: Day 24 : belt (ing it down with rain) #mbsept

Sep 23, 2023: I gave the OH an extremely detailed shopping list (because) and sent them off out this morning to run errands and … They have been texting …

Sep 23, 2023: Day 23 : a day in the life of #mbsept

Sep 22, 2023: Day 22 : road #mbsept

Sep 21, 2023: It’s the little things in life …

Sep 21, 2023: Day 21 : fall #mbsept

Sep 14, 2023: Day 14 : statue #mbsept

Sep 13, 2023: “Ars longa, vita brevis.”

Sep 13, 2023: TV Shows: Departure 📺 We watched the final episode of season 3 of Departure on Global last night. And I have to say, it was all very rushed after several drawn out …

Sep 13, 2023: Day 13 : glowing #mbsept

Sep 12, 2023: Day 12 : panic #mbsept

Sep 11, 2023: Week Notes #8 So, what happened last week? Well, not a lot. ⛱ It was a bank holiday Monday last week, so, a short week, but don’t ask me what we did it went …

Sep 11, 2023: Day 11 : retrospect #mbsept

Sep 10, 2023: Day 10 : cycle #mbsept

Sep 9, 2023: Day 9 : language #mbsept

Sep 8, 2023: Day 8 : yonder #mbsept

Sep 7, 2023: Day 7 : panorama #mbsept

Sep 6, 2023: Day 6 : well #mbsept

Sep 5, 2023: Day 5 : forest #mbsept

Sep 5, 2023: Quantumania (2023) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Chaotic, wild, out there on the edge of the universe fun! Grab the popcorn and enjoy, if you haven’t done so …

Sep 4, 2023: Hot, Hot, Hot! August came and went as wet and almost as miserable as July and June had been. We broke a couple of weather records for rainfall, here, never mind, …

Sep 4, 2023: Day 4 : orange #mbsept

Sep 3, 2023: Day 3 : precious #mbsept

Sep 2, 2023: Day 2 : buildup #mbsept

Sep 2, 2023: Day 1 : abstract #mbsept (apologies for being a day late)

Aug 31, 2023: The sunshine after the rain of yesterday … #quebeccity #blueskies #fortifiedwalls #history

Aug 30, 2023: Aww, man, where’d we leave the car? #sculptures #art #photography #artmuseum

Aug 29, 2023: The difference between science and the fuzzy subjects is that science requires reasoning, while the other subjects merely require scholarship. — …

Aug 29, 2023: This morning’s walk through the park … #trees #nature #parks #boisducoulonge #summer

Aug 28, 2023: As seen this morning while out and about … #streetart #photography #artwork #installations

Aug 27, 2023: 🍿 It was movie night last night, and, oh my, can we pick them! 🙄 DEATH ON THE NILE: apart from being two hours too long, when I saw that French and …

Aug 26, 2023: The constant drizzle continues, unabated, for a second day. So here we are sharing some more colourful flowers. #flowers #nature #naturephotography

Aug 25, 2023: What do you do on a wet drizzle-infused day? Post colourful flowers. #nature #flowers #photography

Aug 25, 2023: We had three consecutive days of sunny bright, but briskly cool weather. Then woke this morning to, you guessed it … R A I N 🌧️

Aug 24, 2023: So … We watched the double episode of Ahsoka on Disney+ last night and … Easy enough to get into and follow (given haven’t watched …

Aug 24, 2023: The season’s turn …

Aug 23, 2023: And the wacky weather continues … it was 14˚C this morning when I got up. It’s now a balmy 25 and sultry! 😎

Aug 23, 2023: It’s a five loads of laundry kind of day …

Aug 22, 2023: So, that’s it … summer appears to be over. It was 15˚C this morning and chilly! Well, I guess I should be thankful, it isn’t …

Aug 21, 2023: 📝 Week Notes #7 ⛈️ And, what a week of more volatile weather. August has been another bust. And I thought July was the wettest month ever, on record. But August is …

Aug 18, 2023: This is something of a test post with photo to see how it crossposts to my #pixelfed account. A memory of blue sky!

Aug 18, 2023: To Pixelfed or not to Pixelfed, that is the question …

Aug 17, 2023: We Hulked it out Last night saw us watch the last episode of She Hulk on Disney+ and, well, after laughing our way through the season to that point, the last episode …

Aug 13, 2023: 📝 Week Notes #6 Since not a lot has happened this week, I thought I’d do a round-up of all the Disney/Marvel TV shows & movies we’ve been binge …

Aug 11, 2023: Just initialised a new credit card. That’s an hour of my life I’ll never get back …

Aug 11, 2023: Ah, the clean-up crew just arrived next door, in the adjacent park. Last night’s storm blew through causing a great deal of damage, and many …

Aug 10, 2023: Star Wars goes Solo Continuing with watching Star Wars on Disney +, we watched the Han Solo movie, SOLO, and, I have to say, thoroughly enjoyed it. But then I got into a …

Aug 9, 2023: More from Vieux Quebec (Old Quebec).

Aug 8, 2023: Doing adult things today … I paid my credit card!

Aug 8, 2023: A Star-Wars Round-up 📺 We finished watching the last couple of episodes of Obi-Wan Kenobi last night and, I have to say, even with all the fight scenes which, for me, were …

Aug 8, 2023: It’s official … I am a drowned rat! I just got back from a trip across the park to our local shops to buy bread and milk … in …

Aug 7, 2023: This weekend we finally got some sunny dry hot weather that had cruise ship occupants, tourist, and the locals alike enjoying not one, but two …

Aug 4, 2023: It’s been raining since Wednesday evening and it doesn’t look like it will be letting up any time soon. Rain’s forecast for tomorrow …

Aug 3, 2023: Yippie, it’s festival time and … It’s pouring down with rain today … and will be tomorrow, and the day after that … …

Aug 2, 2023: They say reincarnation is making a comeback. But I don’t believe it for a minute!

Aug 1, 2023: Sometimes, you get the perfect shot … the city!

Aug 1, 2023: Why yes … yes I am wearing a cardigan! It 14 degrees here this morning.

Jul 31, 2023: 📝 Week Notes #5 Here are the highlights of the last week. ❤️ Today is the last day of our summer holidays and, it’s back to work for the OH. We crammed in a few …

Jul 31, 2023: You can guarantee that if we want to go out on a grocery run, that the weather gods have other ideas and, it rains! Not just rains … pours …

Jul 30, 2023: The in laws have stopped by for a visit, but they’ve come bearing the best gifts going … Strawberries! Who’s up for a bowl?

Jul 29, 2023: We did it … It feels like it took the entire day, but we did it. We sat for 4 hours and … upgraded our phones with extra data (not that …

Jul 28, 2023: Seen on this morning’s walkabout in the park … woody the woodpecker.

Jul 27, 2023: Behold … mighty King Lovis XIV My, isn’t he handsome.

Jul 26, 2023: More photos from my walkabout yesterday …

Jul 26, 2023: Doing Disney ... We did it, we succumb, we took out a sub with Disney + and, excited, decided to jump straight in to the Marvel Universe. 📺 First up, episode one of …

Jul 25, 2023: As I was out gallivanting about the city yesterday, I didn’t have to time to post my weekend movie nights round-up. So here it is. 🍿 First up …

Jul 25, 2023: Out on the town Wow, okay, where’s the morning gone? Coffee was hours ago and I’ve done the proverbial naff-all since. It seems while I have been out …

Jul 23, 2023: So ask me if I’m knackered? The answer is yes. We’ve just sat down to coffee after walking around our local park soaking up some vitamin D …

Jul 22, 2023: 📝 Week Notes #4 🌦️ Another week of crazy-ass weather where we have two days of none-stop rain followed by a single day of glorious sunshine. I have never seen so much …

Jul 21, 2023: I do love it when people in the know offer support and advice to people like myself (continually learning new stuff) how to do something. Getting that …

Jul 21, 2023: We crammed our weekend into yesterday because today, the rain’s back and here for the next 2-3 days. So we made good on yesterday’s lovely …

Jul 19, 2023: I’ve just activated (I think) @jimmitchell’s plug-in Tinylytics for my blog, though despite reading the documentation, I don’t know if …

Jul 19, 2023: It’s kind of wild weather again out there today … thankfully, the rain blew through and we’re enjoying clear blue skies.

Jul 18, 2023: Because @sarajw requested pics from our last trip to the Montreal ComicCon… here they are!

Jul 18, 2023: The gigantic “brontosaur” crane is still outside on our street doing, eh, stuff!

Jul 17, 2023: St. Matthew’s Church clock tower in the sunshine … rue st. jean

Jul 17, 2023: Not the greatest walk this morning, but hey, we did get to stop at the Gelato shop and indulge our craving for an Italian-style ice cream … you …

Jul 16, 2023: We went out Friday and met up with family and ate out at a local place. I don’t know if it was something I picked up while out, or because we …

Jul 14, 2023: The sweet smell of summer …

Jul 14, 2023: Bee prepared!

Jul 14, 2023: Well, it was a delight to wake this morning to clear blue skies and mild temps (it’s 25 at the mo). So we took ourselves off for a walk and …

Jul 13, 2023: Kelly, Kelly … I can’t sing that high!

Jul 13, 2023: 📺 So, it’s official … Hijack on Apple TV really is bad, so so bad. I’m not sure why everyone thinks this show is compulsive viewing …

Jun 26, 2023: Week Notes #3 What is it with Mondays and rain? I’m sure Mother Nature schedules it on purpose. Weather aside. This last week we’ve been working our way …

Jun 25, 2023: Mini verse Air I’m looking to update my Apple kit in the coming months, but not sure quite yet which bits will be upgrade and which kit will hang on for a …

Jun 23, 2023: A lovely warm, sultry bank holiday today. Blue skies, sunshine, and lots of gently swaying green stuff filled with chattering birds. We actually got …

Jun 21, 2023: When out on this afternoon’s cake run because we’d run out of bread (and needed rolls for tonights pulled pork BBQ) I whipped out the …

Jun 21, 2023: We started watching Silo on Apple TV last night. What a nice piece of classic-style dystopian SF. Really looking forward to seeing where this one …

Jun 21, 2023: Apple TV We started watching Silo on Apple TV last night. What a nice piece of classic-style dystopian SF. Really looking forward to seeing where this one …

Jun 19, 2023: thingsThisWeek #1 As it rained all weekend (again) and we didn’t get out (again) I binge watched a couple of TV shows, started a new book, and phoned the dentist …

Jun 17, 2023: Two weeks of digging and the hole got bigger, while the dirt pile grew and the rain kept coming down … and now our green space is a large wet …

Jun 17, 2023: Star Trek: Strange New Worlds 📺 We started season 2 of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds last night and, damn, I have to say, that was one of the best episodes to date. Full of action, …

Jun 16, 2023: I’ve been messing around on my pages and trying to figure out this, that and, well, everything really. I love learning new things but …

Jun 16, 2023: Happy Friday everyone, and I hope you all have a great weekend!

Jun 15, 2023:

Jun 14, 2023: Another wet miserable day here, the third in a week-long event. Those up north are happy, it’s helping with some of the more out of control …

Jun 13, 2023: Heavy overcast day with quite a breeze blowing and, yes, rain is forecast, imminent in the next hour so we are told. And yet, it’s already 25 …

Jun 12, 2023: Netflix Night 🍿 We watched Hanna on Netflix Saturday night, and … talk about child exploitation and endangerment, never mind the utter mindless violence. A …

Jun 11, 2023: Been a fairly dry warm, productive and busy weekend, saw the family yesterday got a hair cut, and today, we loaded up on essentials. That being a …

Jun 9, 2023: 🤷‍♀️ Some days everything goes right and somedays, everything goes wrong. Guess what kind of a day I’m having today? I tried to commission a new …

Jun 6, 2023: As it’s raining here, I’m going to post more peonies to cheer myself up. Enjoy!

Jun 5, 2023: TV Shows: Manifest 📺 We watched the last few episodes of the weird scifi show Manifest on Netflix, so you don’t have to. ⭐️⭐️ You’re welcome!

Jun 5, 2023: It’s coffee time, so it must also be peony time … for those who have been enjoying the flowers, here’s some more.

Jun 4, 2023: More peonies for you all … Enjoy!

Jun 3, 2023: We’re back from the botanic gardens, after being blown all over the place. The wind steadfastly refuses to calm down. But, that aside, I went …

Jun 1, 2023: Remember that blue sky in my photo this morning? Here’s the sky right now … I can hear the thunder rumbling in the distance. And … …

Jun 1, 2023: Here be Deere!

Jun 1, 2023: Flood update: The OH was a hero and cleaned the bathroom before bed last night so that we could have showers this morning. Which was good because we …

May 31, 2023: Flood Update: The maintenance guy just turned up (now) to inspect the leak in our bathroom and, is confused. As, apparently, the flood in the corridor …

May 31, 2023: Wet! Wet! WET! In the time it took me to walk to the hardware store four blocks away, and get back, the carpet in our corridor got wet. Got VERY WET! I look up and …

May 29, 2023: TV Shows: Rough Diamonds 📺 We watched Rough Diamonds a Belgian TV drama focused on the diamond trade in Antwerp. This one might be of interest to someone out there but, after …

May 28, 2023: Where Have I Been First Manton did it. Then Andreas had a go, followed by Maique, so of course, I want to share my Where Have I Been. I have been extremely fortunate …

May 27, 2023: The weather here is all over the place. Yesterday was 12 and today? A balmy 26 at the moment. The breeze is hairdryer hot! Go figure. Oh course we put …

May 26, 2023: They tell us it’s been the coldest May on record (and we’re still getting frost warnings over night too). The temperature is hovering …

May 25, 2023: Movie Night 🍿 Time for another movie update since I haven’t done one in a while. And you can bet a fiver that me and mine have watched at least a dozen …

May 24, 2023: More cherry blossoms (from this weekend).

May 22, 2023: A beautiful sunny day of blue skies here on our bank holiday Monday but damn, it’s cold this afternoon at only 12 degrees, yes TWELVE. The …

May 21, 2023: Why, yes, you are right. These are handmade biscuits. And what have you done today?

May 21, 2023: This afternoon’s BBQ at my sister in law’s is cancelled due the torrential downpour going on right now. And while it might clear up later …

May 20, 2023: This is where we might go tomorrow if the weather’s nice over this long weekend break … after all, it would be sacrilege not to, right?

May 19, 2023: When it’s blue … it’s blue … of course ‘He’ might have had a hand in this!

May 18, 2023: After days of high winds, overcast skies, and some of the weirdest weather ever, snow and hail in one afternoon followed by patches of sunshine. Today …

May 17, 2023: Visual proof that it’s snowing here …

May 15, 2023: Well, it got windier overnight and I lost a couple of plant pots over the balcony somehow. No, don’t ask, I have no idea how they managed to get …

May 14, 2023: It might be windy out today, it might be a tad cooler than last weekend (17 degree in full sun), but that didn’t deter us from hanging out with …

May 12, 2023: The day started off overcast and heavy but, by 11 am, the sun was out and the sky clear. I just looked outside the window as a dark shadow cast …

May 12, 2023: Look who emerged out from under the privacy hedge yesterday afternoon. It’s either the sunshine that brought him out or, he wanted the now …

May 11, 2023: I may have survived yesterday’s crowning, but not without some scrapes and bruising. My mouth feels, well, gah! And don’t ask me how I …

May 10, 2023: Today is the day. It’s my coronation day. I’m getting crowned this afternoon. 2 pm in fact. You are all cordially invited to attend, …

May 7, 2023: Look what I found in the local park this morning? These two beauties.

May 7, 2023: Day Two of kick ass weather here, with temps once again is 20+ with clear blue skies. And, judging by what people outside are wearing - shorts & …

May 6, 2023: Enjoying absolutely kick-ass weather today. Currently clear blue skies, a light warm breeze, and the temp is hovering around 23! We took a stroll to …

May 5, 2023: Happy Friday everyone, meet Cedrik the Orchid dying to eat you.

May 4, 2023: After four days of on and off rain, the sun is out, the skies are clearing, and the birds are singing their tiny hearts out. One in particular is …

May 3, 2023: And … blue skies … on a wing and a prayer!

May 3, 2023: It has been a busy crazy morning and I’ve only just sat down with a cup of coffee to gather my scattered thoughts. If you see one whizzing by, …

May 2, 2023: I just had Gale Anne Hurd–she of Terminator, T2, and Aliens fame–follow me over on #bsky … I’m sure she thinks I’m …

May 2, 2023: Listening to Kate Bush belt it out from The Dreaming while enjoying a stray shaft of sunlight sneaking through the cloud cover, lighting up a patch of …

May 1, 2023: All Hail the weather gods …

Apr 29, 2023: It’s the time of “tree” snow … can you spot it floating on the breeze?

Apr 28, 2023: The sun is out, the sky is blue, there’s not a cloud to be seen anywhere, and hardly a breathe of wind … I think this afternoon I’m …

Apr 27, 2023: Movie Night Update 🍿 Time for a Movie Update given we’ve watched 3 these last few days. Sadly, not all movies are created equal, some were better than others, at …

Apr 25, 2023: They’ve set up the Bee (insect) Hotel in the botanic gardens ready for guests to arrive…

Apr 20, 2023: So, the sap has been running, and this weekend we’ll all meet at the sugar shack.

Apr 17, 2023: The wind is bellowing outside like some food-deprived Ogre demanding where’s dinner.

Apr 11, 2023: This little fella was my reward for helping out this weekend … a Bronto Palm Pal.

Apr 11, 2023: TV Shows: The Diplomat 📺 We discovered a new show on Netflix last night, The Diplomat. A political drama starring Keri Russell and Rufus Sewell (whose chemistry is part of …

Apr 11, 2023: Rom-Com Night 🍿 Despite a very busy holiday weekend we still managed to squeeze in a number of movies. Three of which were rom-coms. First up was The Love Villa a …

Apr 9, 2023: Spent most of yesterday at the mall with what seemed like, several million kids, doing face painting, egg decorating, and petting animals at the …

Apr 7, 2023: This is where you go at the start of the long weekend holidays … What can I get you?

Apr 7, 2023: Movies: The Magician's Elephant 🍿So, this afternoon, we watched The Magician’s Elephant on Netflix with my SiL’s kids. It was sweet, it was funny, it was poignant, and both adults …

Apr 6, 2023: Movies: Lou 🍿 Last night looking for something to watch on Netflix, I went surfing movie options and came across one simply titled LOU. The write up wasn’t …

Apr 4, 2023: Just because … we all need a little sunshine in our lives these days!

Apr 3, 2023: Another photo taken at the mall, this weekend. Very glitzy seating area.

Apr 2, 2023: Another one from the mall visit, Friday.

Apr 1, 2023: At the mall …

Mar 31, 2023: Day 31: Practise #mbmar (it takes a lot of practise to ride a hippo!)

Mar 30, 2023: Day 30: Mirror #mbmar (the mirrored reflection of the world as seen in the bus shelter glass)

Mar 29, 2023: Day 29: Slice #mbmar (my favourite fruit pie)

Mar 29, 2023: I-Spy TV Shows 📺 So this last weekend we watched and or started a number of spy-related shows on Netflix, and each was very different from the other. We kicked off …

Mar 28, 2023: Day 28: Prompt #mbmar (I needed no prompt to share this one with you)

Mar 27, 2023: Day 27: Support #mbmar (in support of one another, these two rascals are up to no good)

Mar 26, 2023: For those of you who love seeing the snow, this lot (almost a foot of the white fluffy stuff) fell over night. This is what we woke up to this …

Mar 26, 2023: Day 26: Instrument #mbmar (the farmers instrument of choice? A plough)

Mar 25, 2023: Day 25: Spice #mbmar (sugar and spice and all things … maple!)

Mar 24, 2023: Day 24: Court #mbmar (The Court floated the Princess' bed out into the water in the hopes of …)

Mar 24, 2023: Book Bite: Red Queen by Juan Gomez-Jurado This one popped up on my radar today and, having read the description, has me really excited to read more. Antonia Scott—the daughter of a British …

Mar 23, 2023: Day 23: Chance #mbmar (it was by sheer chance that I looked up, while at the park, and saw this little fella)

Mar 22, 2023: Day 22: Insect #mbmar

Mar 21, 2023: Day 21: Tiny #mbmar

Mar 20, 2023: Day 20: Houseplant #mbmar (red geranium)

Mar 20, 2023: Movies: News of the Wolrd 🍿 This weekend, amid other shows, we watched News of the World a western starring Tom Hanks as a grumpy but honest ‘newspaper reader’. Set …

Mar 18, 2023: Day 18: Portico #mbmar (the city walls, quebec city)

Mar 18, 2023: Movies: Enola Holmes 2 🍿 We watched Enola Holmes 2 on Netflix, last night. Another fun-filled, chaotic, talk-to-the-camera, action-packed, re-writing of fictional history …

Mar 17, 2023: Day 17: Early #mbmar (early spring break, as in, the ice is finally breaking up on the river…)

Mar 16, 2023: Day 16: Road #mbmar (dans la rue, from summer last year …)

Mar 16, 2023: TV Shows: Wednesday 📺 We’re way behind everyone else, I know, but last night we watched the first episode of Wednesday (Netflix) featuring the deadpan Jenna Ortega. …

Mar 15, 2023: Day 15: Patience #mbmar (we wait all winter long for this to happen in spring …)

Mar 14, 2023: Day 14: Horizon #mbmar (a view across the st lawrence river from quebec city to levis)

Mar 14, 2023: Movies: Glass Onion 🍿 We watched Glass Onion on Netflix, last night. Which was as much fun as I suspected it would be from what others had hinted at. And I appreciate …

Mar 13, 2023: Day 13: Connection #mbmar

Mar 12, 2023: Day 12: Shiny #mbmar (visiting cruise ship … a reflection of cars in the carpark)

Mar 11, 2023: Day 11: Gimcrack #mbmar (given I have no idea what gimcrack is, I’m winging it with today’s entry…)

Mar 10, 2023: Day 10: Ritual #mbmar (I wonder how many of us are going to post images of our morning cup of coffee for this one?)

Mar 9, 2023: Venus and Jupiter in the night skies…

Mar 9, 2023: Day 9: Together #mbmar (#Frida Kahlo)

Mar 8, 2023: So I hear that reincarnation is making a comeback!

Mar 8, 2023: Day 8: walk #mbmar This is the promenade walk, Terrace Dufferin (adjacent to the famous Chateau Frontenac) here in Quebec City. One of my favourite …

Mar 7, 2023: Spent the last couple of hours sourcing photos for the next 7 days subs for #mbmar. Which, I hope, reflect the intended topic of the day. Though I do …

Mar 7, 2023: Day 7: Whole #mbmar (because this is how my brain works …)

Mar 6, 2023: Day 6: Engineering #mbmar

Mar 5, 2023: Day 5: Tile (tiled roof) #mbmar

Mar 4, 2023: Day 4: Zip (line) #mbmar

Mar 3, 2023: Five things that make me inordinately happy: The word: Zamboni Mickey Mouse telling me the time on my iWatch Blindingly bright sunshine reflected …

Mar 3, 2023: Day 3: Solitude #mbmar Single singing song sparrow …

Mar 2, 2023: Day 2: weather #mbmar

Mar 1, 2023: Like a big kid, I’ve just discovered that if I have the Mickey Mouse face on my iWatch and tap it, it will tell me the time. Hashtag: Childish …

Mar 1, 2023: I’m loving everyone’s entries today for the MB March Photo Challenge and how we’re all interpreting the word: SECURE. Can’t …

Mar 1, 2023: Day 1: secure #mbmar

Feb 28, 2023: Today’s snow storm is picking up intensity. It seems we’re supposed to get anywhere between 30-50 cm overnight. It seems winter …

Feb 28, 2023: In preparation for the March Photoblogging Challenge starting tomorrow, here’s a taster or is that, teaser?

Feb 27, 2023: This is how we breakfast on Sunday’s here, in QC. Crepes, cinnamon apple compote topped with creme anglaise, drizzled with hazelnut chocolate …

Feb 25, 2023: When it snows here, it snows here …

Feb 24, 2023: Okay, I can’t resist … where’s Waldo?

Feb 23, 2023: Welcome to the Future ... Yesterday, I did something I never thought I would do, I mean, ever. I deleted my writer’s blog. Yes, that’s it, it’s gone. poof! I …

Feb 22, 2023: We’re hoping it will be nice enough this coming weekend to go to eat brunch at one of our favourite cafes … yes, it’s exactly what …

Feb 17, 2023: After two days of rain, we awoke this morning to another crazy snowstorm … everywhere is a white winter wonderland! Anyone up for snowangels?

Feb 13, 2023: Getting Inked ... My birthday is coming up soon. I mention this because, this morning, when scrolling through Mastodon, I happened upon my friend @maique talking about …

Feb 13, 2023: Getting Inked My birthday is coming up soon. I mention this because, this morning, when scrolling through Mastodon, I happened upon my friend @maique talking about …

Feb 8, 2023: One of my favourite destinations here in Québec City, is the botanical gardens at the university Laval—the Jardin Botanique Roger-Van den Hende. I …

Feb 6, 2023: Listening to Kate Bush and dreaming my own dreams … of spring and the hoped for arrival of tulips and daffodils and a splash of colour. That …

Feb 4, 2023: Record-Breaking Cold Well, if we thought it was cold yesterday, we didn’t know what was waiting for us today. It’s been a new kind of cold here. Minus 48C to …

Feb 3, 2023: Just a tad cold here, this morning. 😳

Feb 2, 2023: Ageing Gracefully (Not!) Me and mine we’re up at the crack of dawn this morning as I had to be at the hospital on the other side of town from us, for my appointment with …

Feb 1, 2023: Last night’s accumulation has left the privacy hedge between our building and the YWCA at the back of us, laden with heavy wet snow. And the …