
    Thoughts on the Acolyte Ep. 7

    Well, I don’t know about anyone else, but we watched episode 7 of The Acolyte last night. And, I have to say, I enjoyed this one. Not only were the fight scenes excellent, but we finally got some more background on what’s going on and, of course, we got to see a little bit more of Carrie-Anne Moss in action.

    I’m still not sure where, exactly, this show is heading, or quite what it’s message is (if any). And, to be honest, it feels a little rushed. Like we should have had a lot more depth to the story and character arcs, especially about Manny Jacinto’s Sith character, Qimir.

    I mean, come on people, we only have one episode left. Really?

    So the weather didn’t exactly cooperate this morning, while it didn’t rain, it’s wasn’t great weather to take photos. Nonetheless, we geared up, caught the bus in, what we thought was early for a Sunday, to go see the Naval Ships docked in the Old Port. Only to get there and discover half of Quebec City already there and queueing to get aboard, to do guided tours.

    Turns out, the 4 ships where not really big, though, still, they each were fascinating in their own way to see. There was one ship from the UK, one from the US, and 2 from Canada.

    Here’s a few snaps I took.

    In the Land of Women

    a still from Land of Women (Apple TV)

    Don’t know about anyone else, but I’m thoroughly enjoying Land Of Women on Apple TV. While a tried and tested trope, I love this obvious twist on it, and who doesn’t love Eva Longoria in a comedy? But I have to say, the one character I’m loving so far has got to be Grandma, Carmen Maura as Julia, who steals every scene she’s in. So deadpan and droll, and that twinkle in her eye? Priceless.

    Bed Best friends … Louisa Bunny, Benjamin Bear, and Boris Karloff

    Out for a walk along the rue st. jean this morning and saw these @maique and thought of you!

    I was on a mission this morning, tasked with finding and buying a soft plush on behalf of my sister in law. She’s about to be a grandmother, again, and besides lamenting she isn’t old enough (which she isn’t) she needs something for this weekend. So, like the good sister in law I am, I volunteered. Any legitimate excuse to go play with plushies at one of my favourite toy stores, and you know I’m there.

    I managed to find a soft blush pink Jelly Cat bunny of the right size, and purchased it, while trying hard not to complain out loud at the price. But felt better about the purchase as I also found something for myself. And this one made me think of you, when I saw it.

    An avocado keyring that is, as of writing this, adorning my shoulder bag! Why yes, yes I am a big kid.

    jellycat avocado plush keyring

    Gorgeous blue skies out there today …

    deep blue skies fronted by the green foliage of a tree

    I’ve just got back home from a walkabout and other than feeling a little dehydrated—it’s 25 and gloriously sunny out side—I’m excited to share all the photos I took, which might take me a few days as I have a habit of taking a lot. And I mean, a lot!

    I’ll post some here, but the majority will go on my Snap Happy So don’t forget to check there as well if you want to see Quebec City bathing in sunshine.

    Meanwhile, to tide you over, here’s one of our last 3 remaining Martello Towers.

    Martello tower, plains of Abraham, Quebec City

    Had a wonderfully busy and fun day out today. The OH decided last night to take a couple of days off, as they’re feeling burnt out at work. So we thought to go to the mall and do what every good North American does, indulge in some retail therapy.

    I came away with some music. Beyonce & Taylor Swift’s new albums.


    I also got a belated birthday present off the OH, something I’ve been after for ages … a Traveller’s Notebook (cover and inserts).

    travellers -notebook

    We also indulged our inner child and bought Kung Fu Panda 4 to watch tonight (thanks @andycarolan)!

    Then, to top that, I scored a free book at my fav store as I had accrued $25 in credit. I now have Steve Berry’s The Atlas Manoeuvre. Ain’t I the lucky one?

    But we didn’t stop there … we went for a late lunch at the new Japanese sushi place and stuffed ourselves … no, sorry, I was too busy eating to take photos. You’ll just have to imagine how delicious the food was and leave it at that.


    All in all, a fantastic day out.

    As seen at the Mother in law’s place … the first swift of the season.

    A swift sitting on a red fence against a white clapboard background

    Last night’s #AuroraBorealis was something quite special, even for us here, in Quebec City. The colours were outstanding.

    Aurora Borealis in the night sky over Quebec City Aurora Borealis in the night sky over Quebec City

    Saw these flowers in the park, though I have no idea what they are. They look very delicate though.

    bright yellow bell shaped flowers surrounded by spring greenery

    Note: my thanks to Christine M. ( for letting me know these flowers are Glacial Lilies.

    Proof that spring has finally arrived up here, in the frozen north!

    newly unfurled leaf blosoom newly unfurling leaf and tree blossom

    I think Woody the Woodpecker has been hard at work.

    large woodpecker hole in a tree

    Day 30: hometown | as suggested by @mattypenny


    Chateau Frontenac in autumn, Quebec City

    Day29 : drift | as suggested by @SimonWoods


    the st. Charles river, Quebec City

    Day 28: community | as suggested by @stupendousman


    community insect hotel, botanic gardens

    Can someone please explain this notice popping up when I try to post to one of my other blogs, given I know I have several months left before renewal. Is suffering another hiccup?

    Day27 : surprise | as suggested by @Sdevore


    reflection o f the local church in the window of the flower shop

    Day 26: Critter | as suggested by @7robots


    large common green frog, as seen at the Quebec City aquarium
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