My birthday is coming up soon. I mention this because, this morning, when scrolling through Mastodon, I happened upon my friend @maique talking about people getting tats of tiny wine glasses done at a party. Which, when you think about it, is not only fun, but kind of neat.

But I digress … birthdays. My birthday. And a bucket list item. Specifically. Getting a tattoo.

I’ve been wanting one for, well, a long time. A wine glass? Maybe not my thing. But what, exactly, do I want … I mean, really? And, is the reason I’ve shied off getting a tat done because the truth is, I really don’t know what I want?

I mean, a tattoo is for life (even if you can hide them with other tats if you’ve made a mistake). No one sets out to get a tat only to cover it up later.

But again, I digress.

Last year, a seminal year in birth dates, I thought I might get one, you know, just breeze into a tattoo parlour and say, hit me (or should that be: tat me?) But I never did. And, maybe, in the end, unless I actually see something I really want indelibly inked forever on my skin, I never will.

And you, what would you have tattooed?