Well, if we thought it was cold yesterday, we didn’t know what was waiting for us today.

It’s been a new kind of cold here. Minus 48C to be exact. And while we broke records here, out in the Prairies, they crashed in at a bone-chilling minus 60C! I can’t image anyone being alive outside in that, for more than a few minutes tops. Exposed skin, apparently freezes within 30 seconds to a minute.

Our misery was compounded by the fact that somewhere in our complex a water pipe burst and, for a few hours this morning (an inconvenience at worst) meaning we were without hot and cold water. So, no shower.

Thankfully, it’s all back on now. I dread to think if it had been the heating breaking down in this deadly cold weather. Now that would have been scary. I dread to think …

Is it a wonder that Canada consumes more energy than most?

Anyway, me and mine camped out on the couch, put the skiing on the telly, brewed up a large batch of hot chocolate and made sandwiches (finger food) and huddled under a blanket playing cards.

And you?