I’m looking to update my Apple kit in the coming months, but not sure quite yet which bits will be upgrade and which kit will hang on for a couple more years (or more). The iMac isn’t that old and functions perfectly and, as long as the next software upgrade works, I don’t see the point of upgrading the hardware.

Yes, I know the new chips are the way to go and many are singing their praises already. But, it all comes down to money and what the intended uses are to warrant an upgrade.

So, it looks like I might hold off on changing my current iPhone 12, the iMac or my watch, which continues to do what I want. And only update the bulky heavy iPad I currently own.

I mean, yes, it still does what I want it to do, sort of, but it is so damn heavy. Not only that, the newer versions are lighter all round, thinner, and have the new M1 and 2 chips, and the screen definition/colours are, well, out of this world.

Which then begs the question, do I go iPad min, iPad Air or the next-gen iPad?

I love that the mini is easy to carry around and light, but, is the actual screen too tiny? And really, what’s the difference between the Air and latest iPad? Surely the weight is almost similar?

Well, hopefully, all these questions will be answered as next weekend I plan a trip to the Apple shop at the mall, and to spend time checking all the kit out. Who knows what I might end up buying come the Autumn.