🍿 Last night looking for something to watch on Netflix, I went surfing movie options and came across one simply titled LOU.

The write up wasn’t much to go on, but when I saw that it starred Allison Janney (CJ from the West Wing) I knew I wanted to watch it no matter what it was about. Turns out this was as much an action thriller as it was about retired spies and, so much more.

"A young girl is kidnapped during a powerful storm. Her mother joins forces with her mysterious neighbour to set off in pursuit of the kidnapper. Their journey will test their limits and expose the dark secrets of their past."
What? Allison Janney doing fight scenes? I couldn't have asked for more. This one delivers on so many levels: viscerally, visually, and subtly.

A crackingly good ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️