Today see’s the start of a new photo challenge run by Annie Sturdivant called, #WeblogPhoMo. Riffing on the old photo challenge @jean use to run here.

My first submission … The Chateau Frontenac dressed in autumn. #challenges #autumn

the chateau frontenac, quebec city

So, of course, it’s another Bank holiday long weekend coming up and … it started raining last night and will go on till possibly Monday. Of course it will …

Sooo, I have to decide by the start of December whether to downgrade and or cancel my micro blog completely. Especially as I am now full time over on Bear and, I paid.

This place has been gathering cobwebs these last few months anyway … so …

Another wet, dreary, drab Saturday of drizzle … anyone would think autumn had arrived!

For those of you who are interested, my recap of last night’s episode of Slow Horses : Moving Target is now up on my review blog, In Review.

Beware, it’s probably full of spoilers.

Can someone smarter than I am please explain to me why salt is the first ingredient (at 27% my daily allowance) in a tiny beef stock cube? It’s insane, that’s what it is. And then there’s the issue of palm oil! I mean, wtf is it doing in a beef stock cube?

And what’s silicon dioxide when it’s at home? Quartz, we’re putting quartz dust in beef cubes now?

Next thing you know there’ll be putting milk products in there to make up weight …

Why yes, yes they did have a ton of late summer strawberries at the market yesterday. And yes, of course we bought the biggest punnet we could afford or, were willing to pay!

There was an abundance of fruit and veggies, and great tasting local produce on sale. People were buying stuff by the trolley load.

a stall covered in large punnets of strawberries and raspberries.

Oh dear … after 15 glorious days of continuous sunshine (and yes, before you complain, I do know the sun sets and it goes dark every night) we just hit winter.

It’s November out there. Cold, windy, heavy and overcast, and the leaves, the leave are being ripped off the trees too early. No, I say. Nooooo, it’s to soon.

If you say so …

psycho bunny

Okay, so it’s different, but is it better? I guess it’s a little less distracting and cleaner looking.

the home screen of my iphone in dark mode

I did it, like a fool with no fear … I updated by my iPad air and iPhone to iOS 18 and …

Now what? I guess I better go read up on what the latest system upgrade can actually do. Any pointers, anyone?

I’m flying solo today as the OH is at their mother’s helping out with some yard work before autumn arrives. I don’t envy them building a shed, even with help. And know when they get home they’ll claim to be starving despite the fact their mother will have fed them, twice, and supplied a ton of sugary snacks in between times. Of that I’m sure.

Me, meanwhile, was up at 7:50 this morning, to see them off. Bye! And then? Yeah, instead of lounging on the couch watching something silly, or reading more of my book, I did the bedding and other laundry, watered the plants. I have 22 right now. And then, sat down to write a bunch of posts for my various blogs. And it’s not even lunchtime.

And you, how are you spending your Sunday morning, so far?

This morning I had to take the bus to go run errands and pick up some fresh produce at my favourite Halle. When I got to my stop I made to get out the bus but found my way blocked by a determine young woman who wanted to get on the bus.

Get on the bus without paying.

At first I was confused and asked her what she thought she was doing. Then, realising exactly what it was she was doing, I put out both arms to block her fraudulent entry to the bus. The look I got could have started world war three. And then … it happened.

I was assaulted. In as much she physically shoved me so that I took a step backwards and as I did so, she stepped past me swearing at me. I was more than startled. I was shocked at being pushed and that she actually went so far as to lay hands on me.

And the whole time this is going on, no one, not one person watching the scene unfold, came to my side, spoke up, or did anything. NOT. A. THING. They simply sat there and watched as she took a seat.

Let me point out. She was wearing an iWatch and carrying an iPhone. So obviously had enough money to pay the $3+ bus fare. But she chose not to. Just as half the bus occupants chose to do nothing. Like it was an everyday thing.

Me? I chose to step off the bus rather than further confront someone willing to resort to violence. I just stood on the sidewalk watching the bus depart wondering what else I could have done anyway, under the circumstances. And just why no one cared enough to get involved.

I don’t want to think that this is the kind of world we now live in, and that this is an every day event. I want to hope that there are still enough decent people out there, and that they just were not on the bus when this happened.

I live in hope.

Note: to clarify as there has been some confusion. The bus in question was a long caterpillar bus where riders enter at the drivers position to show their ticket/pass/phone to prove they are entitled to ride the bus. Because of the length of the bus, there are two (2) exits. One in the middle of the bus and one at the end. The woman boarded the bus at the rear exit, where there is a sign saying it is an exit only. She then proceeded to take a seat and made no attempt to show the driver her ticket to ride.

Some days, I really make things difficult for myself.

Happy Friday the 13th everyone!

Today … today I just feel like staring out the window and watching the day unfold quietly.

And you?

Eye spy … the BIG yellow bus …

a reflective photo in the wing mirror of a school bus

It’s officially cold. I’m wearing a sweater. The average mean temperature these last 4 days being 12 degrees. TWELVE! No Indian Summer for us this year.

When the light is just right …

an orange leaf on a tree full of green leaves, with blue sky in the background

It’s been a very knotty problem but, in the end … I got there. Wherever the hell there is!

upclose shot of a very knotty tree trunk (spot the spiders web)

I can’t decide what to do with my dedicated photo blog, Snap Happy, as no one seems interested in visiting. I think people generally seem to comment only on the post I make on Mastodon, rather than visit the original.

So, I’m left wondering if I need to move the blog to a Mastodon friendly space (micro blog) or close it down and just post on Mastodon directly … what do you think? Anyone?